India’s Ram temple: A ‘new era’ for Hindu nationalism? | Al Jazeera ▶️

January 23, 2024 | One of India’s most contested holy sites became a place of celebration on Monday. In the city of Ayodhya, at the site of a former mosque torn down by a mob, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a Hindu temple. What does it say about the extent to which Hindu nationalism… Continue lendo India’s Ram temple: A ‘new era’ for Hindu nationalism? | Al Jazeera ▶️

Hindutva as a modification of right wing extremism – Hasan EHTISHAM

Global Village Space, 30 June 2022 In India, Muslims are being murdered and the majority of the world is too sluggish to denounce these atrocities. Increased regional radicalization and terror threats would be motivated by the Modi regime’s ability to carry on with its ideology of Hindutva. The international community must start paying more emphasis… Continue lendo Hindutva as a modification of right wing extremism – Hasan EHTISHAM

A New Brand of Hindu Extremism is Going Global | Decade of Hate

Far-right Hindu nationalism is fuelling violence and sparking fears for the future of Indian democracy – and is now spreading its influence across the world, and winning admirers among Western extremists. India’s populist Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, advocates a hardline form of Hindu nationalism, known as Hindutva – which has been accused of inciting… Continue lendo A New Brand of Hindu Extremism is Going Global | Decade of Hate