“What Religious Jews Say About Israel” – Rabbi Elhanan Beck & Rabbi Haim Sofre | The Review of Religions ▶️

What do 15,000 Jewish people in a London town think of the war in Palestine? We travelled to Stamford Hill, the heart of London, for our first in-person episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjkZDntdeAc&ab_channel=TheReviewofReligions Guests:Rabbi Elhanan Beck (spokesperson for Neturei Karta UK) & Rabbi Haim Sofre 0:00 Intro2:16 Is Israel Acting According to The Torah?5:15 Are there Anti-Zionist Jews?8:26… Continue lendo “What Religious Jews Say About Israel” – Rabbi Elhanan Beck & Rabbi Haim Sofre | The Review of Religions ▶️

“Neturei Karta: rabinos contra Israel” – Yisroel Dovid Weiss | Opera Mundi ▶️

Ser judeu não é sinônimo de ser sionista. Assim como ser anti-sionista (ou simplesmente criticar o sionismo) não equivale a ser antissemita. A prova disso é a comunidade de judeus ortodoxos denominada Neturei Karta ("Guardiões da Cidade" em aramaico). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuWqQsKrbnk Judeus podem ser contra o sionismo? Não só podem como devem, segundo Yisroel Dovid Weiss.… Continue lendo “Neturei Karta: rabinos contra Israel” – Yisroel Dovid Weiss | Opera Mundi ▶️

How the Haredim, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox, make their own rules | France 24 English ▶️

September 15, 2017. In Israel, the Haredim community (or "Those in awe of God") lives separately from the rest of Israeli society. Dressed all in black, these ultra-Orthodox practise a strict form of Judaism, cut off from modern society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGp4f2GnKTI In cities like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, they have their own neighbourhoods, shops and schools… Continue lendo How the Haredim, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox, make their own rules | France 24 English ▶️