Israel makes record land seizures in occupied West Bank | DW News ▶️

June 5, 2024 | The displacement of dozens of Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank is raising concerns, with violent attacks by Israeli settlers at an all-time high, according to the UN and human rights groups. Since the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7th, Israel has reclassified 1,100 hectares in the West Bank… Continue lendo Israel makes record land seizures in occupied West Bank | DW News ▶️

Israeli Human Rights Lawyer Attacked While Documenting Settler Raid on Gaza Aid Convoy | Democracy Now! ▶️

May 16, 2024 | Aid agencies are running out of food in southern Gaza amid Israel’s ongoing offensive in Rafah and the shutdown of the two main border crossings in the south. Some 1.1 million Palestinians are on the brink of starvation, according to the United Nations, while a “full-blown famine” is taking place in… Continue lendo Israeli Human Rights Lawyer Attacked While Documenting Settler Raid on Gaza Aid Convoy | Democracy Now! ▶️

The Palestinian family resisting Israeli land grabs in the occupied West Bank | Al Jazeera ▶️

May 13, 2024 | Hafez Hureini, a decades-long activist in Masafer Yatta in the occupied West Bank, has thwarted Israeli annexation attempts since the '80s through non-violent resistance. Now in his mid 50s, Hafez is passing the reigns over to his sons Sami and Hammoudi who are trying to continue his brand of peaceful… Continue lendo The Palestinian family resisting Israeli land grabs in the occupied West Bank | Al Jazeera ▶️

Settler violence backed by Israel’s ‘impunity’: Human rights group | Al Jazeera ▶️

April 16, 2024 | Two Palestinians have been killed in the village of Khirbet al-Tawil, near Nablus, in the occupied West Bank. The Palestinian Wafa news agency is reporting they were shot by Israeli settlers. The flare-up in violence follows the disappearance of a 14-year-old settler, whose body was found on Saturday. Wesam Ahmad,… Continue lendo Settler violence backed by Israel’s ‘impunity’: Human rights group | Al Jazeera ▶️

“Exposed: new film reveals mass Israeli extremism” – Glenn Greenwald & Jeremy Loffredo | System Update ▶️

March 27, 2024 | This is a clip from our show System Update, airing every weeknight at 7pm ET on Rumble. Israel’s blocking of aid creating ‘apocalyptic’ conditions in Gaza Al Jazeera, March 7, 2024 A new report based on research from three countries shows Israel ‘consistently and groundlessly’ blocks aid operations for Gaza,… Continue lendo “Exposed: new film reveals mass Israeli extremism” – Glenn Greenwald & Jeremy Loffredo | System Update ▶️

“Biden’s Sanctions Against Israeli Settlers Ignores State’s Role in West Bank Violence” – Shane Bauer | Democracy Now! ▶️

March 20, 2024 | Building on an unprecedented wave of settler violence in 2023, Israeli attacks against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank have intensified since October 7, with over 400 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers over the past five months. Last week, the Biden administration imposed sanctions on three Israeli settlers and… Continue lendo “Biden’s Sanctions Against Israeli Settlers Ignores State’s Role in West Bank Violence” – Shane Bauer | Democracy Now! ▶️

The Israelis who campaign to illegally occupy Gaza | DW News ▶️

Kant conceptualized perpetual peace (ewiger Frieden). Zionist settlers are all in for perpetual war (ewiger Krieg). Zionism is, without a doubt, an obstacle to Kant's noble ideal. In Israel, a small but determined movement has emerged in the aftermath of the October 7th terror attacks calling for the return of unlawful Israeli settlements to Gaza.… Continue lendo The Israelis who campaign to illegally occupy Gaza | DW News ▶️

“The Settlers”: a documentary film by Shimon Dotan (2016) ▶️

An intimate look at life inside the Jewish settlements in the West Bank Zionists accuse their critics of antisemitism. According to them, anti-Zionism amounts to a denial of the right of Jews for self-determination. Well, it all depends on the conditions and circumstances of the self-determination. If it involves unlawfully occupying and stealing the land… Continue lendo “The Settlers”: a documentary film by Shimon Dotan (2016) ▶️

Israel dismisses accusations of settler violence in the occupied West Bank | DW News ▶️

December 26, 2023 | Israel’s government is coming under increased pressure to curb violence by settlers against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The United States has issued travel bans on extremist Israeli settlers responsible for the attacks. European governments are looking to impose similar measures. UN figures show a spike in incidents of… Continue lendo Israel dismisses accusations of settler violence in the occupied West Bank | DW News ▶️

“There is unimaginable carnage in Gaza” – Husam Zomlot | Channel 4 ▶️

A four day temporary cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas has been extended by two days, and brings a glimmer of relief and hope to Palestinians in Gaza. Momentum from this brings the possibility of even more Israeli hostages and Palestinian detainees being released. Over 14,000 Palestinians have been killed, one-third of them children,… Continue lendo “There is unimaginable carnage in Gaza” – Husam Zomlot | Channel 4 ▶️