Journalists assaulted by Israeli settlers at Jerusalem Day March | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

June 5, 2024 | Israel’s annual Jerusalem Day march has turned violent with participants acting as rogue hooligans, brutally assaulting Palestinians and female journalists. ABC reporter Allyson Horn, who was abused at the scene, says the ongoing Israel-Gaza war has spurred hostilities to a different level at this year’s event. Australian journalist attacked amid violence… Continue lendo Journalists assaulted by Israeli settlers at Jerusalem Day March | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

“The Settlers”: a documentary film by Shimon Dotan (2016) ▶️

An intimate look at life inside the Jewish settlements in the West Bank Zionists accuse their critics of antisemitism. According to them, anti-Zionism amounts to a denial of the right of Jews for self-determination. Well, it all depends on the conditions and circumstances of the self-determination. If it involves unlawfully occupying and stealing the land… Continue lendo “The Settlers”: a documentary film by Shimon Dotan (2016) ▶️

Killing Count Bernadotte (1895-1948): peace mediator of the Arab-Israeli conflict | Al Jazeera documentary ▶️

Al Jazeera's two-part documentary Killing the Count examines the eventful life of Count Folke Bernadotte (1895-1948), head of the Swedish Red Cross and a leading figure in the rescue of thousands of concentration camp prisoners in World War II. Count Folke was appointed as UN Mediator in the first Arab-Israeli war, shortly before he… Continue lendo Killing Count Bernadotte (1895-1948): peace mediator of the Arab-Israeli conflict | Al Jazeera documentary ▶️

“How Israel’s far-right seized control, and their dangerous plan” – Daniel Levy | Middle East Eye ▶️

After four years of political turmoil, Israel's far-right Zionist agitators have emerged victorious, seeking to expell Palestinians, implement Jewish loyalty laws and tear up the peace process once and for all. With the help of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich have dominated Israeli politics, and are set to take… Continue lendo “How Israel’s far-right seized control, and their dangerous plan” – Daniel Levy | Middle East Eye ▶️

This Ultra-Extremist Politician Makes Far-Right U.S. Lawmakers Look Mild | The Mehdi Hasan Show | MSNBC ▶️

If you think there’s an extremist takeover of the GOP in the U.S., Mehdi’s got someone to introduce you to — and he’s running circles around any extremist on this side of the pond. The Israeli Government Goes Extreme Right The country’s longest-serving prime minister is returning to power—and bringing radicalism with him. Yair… Continue lendo This Ultra-Extremist Politician Makes Far-Right U.S. Lawmakers Look Mild | The Mehdi Hasan Show | MSNBC ▶️

‘They Came Here to Attack Arabs’: Welcome to Life in Israel’s ‘Mixed Cities’ | Al Jazeera ▶️

When solidarity protests erupted across the country in May, a Palestinian resident in the city of Lydd (or Lod, as Israel renamed it) told AJ+ that local Jewish Israelis marked their homes with red paint so they could be targeted for attacks by armed settlers. This is part of a much larger project happening… Continue lendo ‘They Came Here to Attack Arabs’: Welcome to Life in Israel’s ‘Mixed Cities’ | Al Jazeera ▶️

Radical Young Israelis and the Price Tag Attacks: Rockets and Revenge | Vice News ▶️

July 20, 2014. For a few years, a young radical group of Israeli settlers in the West Bank have committed random acts of violence and vandalization against Palestinians and their property to make them pay the price for affronting their way of life. They call themselves "Pricetaggers," and they've largely avoided prosecution by Israeli authorities.… Continue lendo Radical Young Israelis and the Price Tag Attacks: Rockets and Revenge | Vice News ▶️

“Israeli Settlers: Why do you burn Palestinian homes and fields?” – Corey Gil-Shuster | The Ask Project ▶️

Palestinians ‘living in hell’ as Israel grabs more land in West Bank The National News, June 25, 2016 Palestinians fear the confiscated land will be used to connect 'extremist' Jewish outposts with established settlements as part of Israel’s plan to further colonise the West Bank. ESH KODESH, West Bank // Mohammed Kamal was at work… Continue lendo “Israeli Settlers: Why do you burn Palestinian homes and fields?” – Corey Gil-Shuster | The Ask Project ▶️

Israel’s Hilltop Youth: Thou Shalt Not Kill | Radicalised Youth | Al Jazeera ▶️

In late July 2015, an arson attack on a family home in the Palestinian village of Duma, in the West Bank, resulted in the killing of three members of the Dawabshe family, the youngest of whom, Ali, was only 18 months old. The firebombing also caused seven-year-old Ahmed Dawabshe, Ali's brother, second and third-degree… Continue lendo Israel’s Hilltop Youth: Thou Shalt Not Kill | Radicalised Youth | Al Jazeera ▶️

Why Al-Aqsa is key to understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Start Here ▶️

The Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem is one of the holiest sites in the world and one of the most contested. Why is it so significant? #AJStartHere with Sandra Gathmann explains. Israeli far-right minister leads incursion of Al-Aqsa compound The visit comes as some hardline Israeli Jewish settlers promote the destruction of… Continue lendo Why Al-Aqsa is key to understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Start Here ▶️