“Yahweh acts like a tribal war god” – Alex O’Connor & Dinesh D’Souza | Pangburn ▶️

I like Donald Akenson's cheerful remark "I cannot believe that any sane person has ever liked Yahweh." But as Akenson adds, that is irrelevant, since Yahweh is reality. 1 would go a touch further and identify Yahweh with Freud's "reality-testing," which is akin to the Lucretian sense of the way things are. […] Yahweh is… Continue lendo “Yahweh acts like a tribal war god” – Alex O’Connor & Dinesh D’Souza | Pangburn ▶️

“Yes, Israel Is Committing Genocide” – John Mearsheimer | System Update ▶️

Political scientist sheds light on Israel-Palestine conflict origins January 7, 2024 | John Mearsheimer delves into the intricate origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict, bringing forward a rarely discussed narrative. He emphasises the significance of understanding how Israel’s creation and the role of Zionism in conquering Palestine have shaped the ongoing conflict. Mearsheimer critiques the lack… Continue lendo “Yes, Israel Is Committing Genocide” – John Mearsheimer | System Update ▶️

The World’s Most Documented Genocide in History | Double Down News ▶️

January 4, 2024 | The State of Israel has been accused of genocide against Palestinians in relation to its conduct during the 2023 Israel–Hamas war. Various scholars have cited statements by senior Israeli officials, which they argue demonstrate an "intent to destroy" the population of Gaza, a necessary condition for the legal threshold of genocide… Continue lendo The World’s Most Documented Genocide in History | Double Down News ▶️

“Dumb Bombs”: behind Israel’s use of unguided munitions in Gaza | DW Analysis ▶️

Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation—men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys.” 1 Samuel 15:3 December 22, 2023 | Israel's military have been lying shamelessly when they claim to minimize civilian casualties in its bombing of the Gaza Strip. That's literally a "killing joke". New US intelligence estimates that… Continue lendo “Dumb Bombs”: behind Israel’s use of unguided munitions in Gaza | DW Analysis ▶️

Israel-Palestine War: “These justifications are WEAK!” – Cornel West | Piers Morgan Uncensored ▶️

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by presidential hopeful Dr. Cornel West as well as legal scholar Eugene Kontorovich to debate the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestine and whether Israel have committed war crimes and genocide in the region with the growing civilian casualties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0SeoCDwgy4 Eugene Kontorovich claims that Hamas are to blame… Continue lendo Israel-Palestine War: “These justifications are WEAK!” – Cornel West | Piers Morgan Uncensored ▶️

‘Annihilate Everyone’: Israeli TV Promotes Genocidal Song – Sophia KHATSENKOVA ▶️

Euronews, 27 November, 2023 It’s a three-minute video that has been shared thousands of times on social media. Most of the comments expressed outrage that a group of Israeli children appear to be glorifying the destruction of Gaza. The video was shared by the Israeli state-owned TV channel Kan News on their online platforms, before being taken… Continue lendo ‘Annihilate Everyone’: Israeli TV Promotes Genocidal Song – Sophia KHATSENKOVA ▶️

50 killed (including children) at UN school bombarded by Israeli Forces | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

Palestinians in Gaza are caught "between a rock and a hard place". There's nowhere for them to run to, nowhere to be safe at. As the Brazilian proverb goes, "se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come" [If you run the beast will end up catching you, if you stay it will eat… Continue lendo 50 killed (including children) at UN school bombarded by Israeli Forces | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️