The ultra-right and the neo-nazis: the new terrorist threat | Java Discover documentary ▶️

 'History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce'. (Karl Marx) Across Europe, the next generation of white supremacists are being radicalised. They fantasize about an ethnically pure Europe and are taking action. In Germany, a far-right plan to overthrow the state was averted. In France, six men were arrested for plotting to attack politicians. In… Continue lendo The ultra-right and the neo-nazis: the new terrorist threat | Java Discover documentary ▶️

The far right and neo-Nazis: an increasing terrorist threat | DW documentary ▶️

May 1st, 2024 | Here comes a long and harsh winter of 21st century neo-Nazism, which may turn out to be even more vicious, even more criminal than the original phenomenon. Across Europe, the next generation of white supremacists are being radicalized. They fantasize about an ethnically pure Europe and are taking action. The threat… Continue lendo The far right and neo-Nazis: an increasing terrorist threat | DW documentary ▶️