The far right and neo-Nazis: an increasing terrorist threat | DW documentary ▶️

May 1st, 2024 | Here comes a long and harsh winter of 21st century neo-Nazism, which may turn out to be even more vicious, even more criminal than the original phenomenon. Across Europe, the next generation of white supremacists are being radicalized. They fantasize about an ethnically pure Europe and are taking action. The threat… Continue lendo The far right and neo-Nazis: an increasing terrorist threat | DW documentary ▶️

Immanuel Kant’s radical philosophy | DW History & Culture ▶️

April 14, 2024 | Use your brain! With that message, Immanuel Kant called on people to think for themselves. Born 300 years ago in Königsberg, Prussia, he developed his philosophy in a world of absolutist rulers. He confidently called on people to stop allowing themselves to be treated like "dumb animals" by politicians and the… Continue lendo Immanuel Kant’s radical philosophy | DW History & Culture ▶️

Russia: Putin’s propaganda machine – Manipulating the people | DW documentary ▶️

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Many Russians supported the move at the time. Others silently rejected what was described as a "special operation”, which Putin claimed would "de-nazify” a former sister nation. Years of indoctrination and propaganda, a single-party rule that muzzles the media - this film investigates how Russians under Putin… Continue lendo Russia: Putin’s propaganda machine – Manipulating the people | DW documentary ▶️

Um sobrevivente do Holocausto conta sua história | DW Brasil ▶️

25 de julho de 2023 | Joseph Alexander, um sobrevivente do Holocausto que reside em Los Angeles, luta para que as atrocidades nazistas não sejam esquecidas. Aos 100 anos, ele segue narrando sua história para as novas gerações, para que os terríveis crimes da Alemanha nazista não sejam obliterados da memória coletiva da humanidade, sob… Continue lendo Um sobrevivente do Holocausto conta sua história | DW Brasil ▶️

Colonial roots of the genocide in Rwanda | DW documentary ▶️

“Two enemies — the same man divided.” E. M. Cioran April 5, 2024 | In April 1994, the parents of two-year-old Samuel Ishimwe were murdered in Rwanda. Their fate was shared by up to a million people in the genocide against the country’s Tutsi minority. Thirty years on, Samuel sets out to discover what set… Continue lendo Colonial roots of the genocide in Rwanda | DW documentary ▶️

Lebanon: the 1982 Sabra and Shatila Massacre | DW documentary ▶️

In September 1982 in Beirut, hundreds of Palestinian refugees were murdered. The massacre was carried out in an atmosphere of rising political tensions following the assassination of a Christian politician. Christian militias exacted revenge on innocent people. One of the worst atrocities of the Lebanese civil war, a massacre took place from 16 to… Continue lendo Lebanon: the 1982 Sabra and Shatila Massacre | DW documentary ▶️

Brazil’s Evangelicals on the march | DW documentary ▶️

They are narrow-minded, coup-minded, and idolize Bolsonaro (which is worse than idolizing Barabbas). They contribute to Brazil's backwardedness. Evangelical churches are growing fast in Brazil, often filling a void left by the Catholic church and the state. In fact, all over the world—they are present even in Nepal. However, anything that grows and multiplies in… Continue lendo Brazil’s Evangelicals on the march | DW documentary ▶️

Shlomo: judeu encontra seu algoz nazista no Brasil | DW documentário ▶️

Outubro de 1980, arredores de São Paulo. Um homem é encontrado morto no banheiro. É Gustav Wagner, a temida "Besta de Sobibor", como era conhecido durante seu tempo no campo de concentração nazista. A polícia classifica a morte como um suicídio. Como é possível viver o que parece ser uma vida normal depois de… Continue lendo Shlomo: judeu encontra seu algoz nazista no Brasil | DW documentário ▶️

Por qué los dictadores temen a la literatura? | DW documental ▶️

18 de enero 2024 | Aunque los escritores no tienen ejércitos, son temidos por los autócratas, afirma el novelista británico-estadounidense Salman Rushdie. Desde 1989 pesaba sobre él una fetua o edicto religioso promulgado por el ayatolá Jomeini. Una condena a muerte que estuvo a punto de cumplirse 32 años después, en el verano de 2022,… Continue lendo Por qué los dictadores temen a la literatura? | DW documental ▶️

Transylvania: the heart of Romania | DW Documentary ▶️

January 25, 2024 | Transylvania has a lot to offer: beautiful cities, endless forests, fascinating traditions. All of these are cultivated with great dedication by the people of the region. Dumitru Pop, for example, works at the "funniest cemetery in the world”. His mission: to change people's view of death. He carves and paints… Continue lendo Transylvania: the heart of Romania | DW Documentary ▶️