“Arc of life” – Daniel Dennett | The Institute of Art and Ideas ▶️

This full interview was recorded two years ago and it has just been released to celebrate the extraordinary work and thought of Daniel Dennett (1942-2024). Daniel Clement Dennett III was an American philosopher and cognitive scientist. His research centered on the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of biology, particularly as… Continue lendo “Arc of life” – Daniel Dennett | The Institute of Art and Ideas ▶️

“Can religion be explained without God?” – Daniel Dennett | Closer To Truth ▶️

April 19, 2024 | Religion without God? Most people believe that God exists and religion is God’s revelation. But some say religion, particularly the organization of religion into institutions, needs nothing supernatural to begin, develop and multiply. In other words, religion without God can flourish because personal psychology and group sociology drive religion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHvIXe4DOEc&ab_channel=CloserToTruth Daniel… Continue lendo “Can religion be explained without God?” – Daniel Dennett | Closer To Truth ▶️

Richard Dawkins on scientific truth, outgrowing God and life beyond Earth | Channel 4 ▶️

Richard Dawkins is one of the world's most famous atheists, an evolutionary biologist at Oxford and best-selling author of The God Delusion. His new book, Outgrowing God - A Beginner's Guide, aims to inform young people about religion and atheism. He talks to Krishnan about why he wrote it, his passion for scientific truth and… Continue lendo Richard Dawkins on scientific truth, outgrowing God and life beyond Earth | Channel 4 ▶️