“The rise of Christian Nationalism in the United States” – Andrew WHITEHEAD; David GOLDENBERG; William CAVANAUGH ▶️

A panel discussion about the rise of Christian Nationalism in the United States. Moderated by Dr. Michael Hollerich, professor emeritus of historical theology at the University of St. Thomas, we will hear from each of the following scholars before a Q&A session with our viewers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJF_RrKVFkQ&ab_channel=UniversityofSt.Thomas%7CMinnesota Andrew Whitehead is an Associate Professor of Sociology and… Continue lendo “The rise of Christian Nationalism in the United States” – Andrew WHITEHEAD; David GOLDENBERG; William CAVANAUGH ▶️

“Trump’s Christian Nationalism could end America” – Rob Reiner & Dan Partland | The Bulwark Podcast ▶️

Christian nationalism is not only a threat to democracy, but also to Christianity itself. Prominent evangelicals, like David French and Russell Moore, break it all down in a new documentary, "God & Country." Charlie Sykes is also in the film. Reiner and Partland take it to 11 with Tim Miller today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op_x9eYJc1I&ab_channel=TheBulwark The Bulwark Podcast:… Continue lendo “Trump’s Christian Nationalism could end America” – Rob Reiner & Dan Partland | The Bulwark Podcast ▶️

“Power & Panic: The Last Days for Christian Nationalism” – Seth Andrews | The Thinking Atheist ▶️

Seth Andrews addresses the rise (and impending fall) of American Christian Nationalism. All-out fearmongering and bigotry. White Christian Nationalism is White Trash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX68xUX4Gvk&ab_channel=TheThinkingAtheist The Thinking Atheist: Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides.

“In Whose God Do We Trust?” – Jay P. DOLAN

NY Times, May 10, 1992 THE AMERICAN RELIGIONThe Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation.By Harold Bloom. During the 19th century, Americans were obsessed with religion. Evangelical Protestantism shaped the soul of the nation, but on the fringes of society many new denominations emerged, under the leadership of such visionaries as Joseph Smith (Mormonism), Mary Baker Eddy… Continue lendo “In Whose God Do We Trust?” – Jay P. DOLAN