‘Unsavable disaster’: son of Oath Keepers founder on why he’s running for office as a Democrat | CNN ▶️

March 26, 2024 | CNN's Laura Coates speaks with Dakota Adams, the son of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, about his upbringing and his new mission to run for office in Montana. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GybvlbI7PP0&ab_channel=CNN Elmer Stewart Rhodes III is an American former attorney and convicted seditionist. He founded the Oath Keepers, an American far-right anti-government militia… Continue lendo ‘Unsavable disaster’: son of Oath Keepers founder on why he’s running for office as a Democrat | CNN ▶️

“Trump’s Christian Nationalism could end America” – Rob Reiner & Dan Partland | The Bulwark Podcast ▶️

Christian nationalism is not only a threat to democracy, but also to Christianity itself. Prominent evangelicals, like David French and Russell Moore, break it all down in a new documentary, "God & Country." Charlie Sykes is also in the film. Reiner and Partland take it to 11 with Tim Miller today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op_x9eYJc1I&ab_channel=TheBulwark The Bulwark Podcast:… Continue lendo “Trump’s Christian Nationalism could end America” – Rob Reiner & Dan Partland | The Bulwark Podcast ▶️

Trump is making America hyperfascist – Jeff Sharlet | The Chris Hedges Report

Jeff Sharlet has spent two decades covering the intersection of extreme Christian nationalism and the far-right. In his new book, Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War, he gives snapshots of a country rapidly devolving into a Christian fascism state. He captures the rage, the despair, the dislocation, the alienation, the aesthetic of violence, and… Continue lendo Trump is making America hyperfascist – Jeff Sharlet | The Chris Hedges Report

“The threat of White Christian Nationalism (pt I): piety not required” – Jeff Sharlet | The Lincoln Project ▶️

In the first episode of “The Threat of White Christian Nationalism”, host Reed Galen is joined by journalist and bestselling author Jeff Sharlet. They discuss the religious and cultural landscape of present-day American evangelicalism, how white Christian nationalism is not "old-time religion" but a rapidly mutating political theology, and how white Christian nationalism isn't synonymous… Continue lendo “The threat of White Christian Nationalism (pt I): piety not required” – Jeff Sharlet | The Lincoln Project ▶️

Christian Jihad: a new report on the Capitol insurrection – Andrew L. Seidel | The Thinking Atheist ▶️

February 15, 2022 | Constitutional Attorney Andrew Seidel gives details on a new and comprehensive report proving that the January 6th Insurrection at the Capitol was—in fact—a Christian Nationalist war against its own country's principles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRiFsjEqGpA&ab_channel=TheThinkingAtheist Stochastic Terrorism: the repeated use of hate speech or other vilifying, dehumanizing rhetoric by a political leader or other… Continue lendo Christian Jihad: a new report on the Capitol insurrection – Andrew L. Seidel | The Thinking Atheist ▶️

Trump, Himmler, Putin and “Atheist Christianity”: Slavoj Žižek’s plot to save the West | Times Radio ▶️

"There is a need for radical change; if we don't do it, sorry, the right-wingers will." Slavoj Žižek "In the course of history, freedom occupies no more instants than ecstasy in the life of a mystic", Cioran wrote in History and Utopia (1960). Maybe we will soon find out the same is true about Western… Continue lendo Trump, Himmler, Putin and “Atheist Christianity”: Slavoj Žižek’s plot to save the West | Times Radio ▶️

Politics of Hate: the Far Right in the USA and Europe | Journeyman Pictures ▶️

A far-reaching investigation into the rise of the far-right in Europe and America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YVUBWdK_rg&ab_channel=JourneymanPictures At 16 he became the leader of the Chicago Area Skinheads, later a white supremacist punk band. But when Christian Picciolini started a family, he began questioning his far right views. This timely documentary explores a changing Western political climate, chronicling… Continue lendo Politics of Hate: the Far Right in the USA and Europe | Journeyman Pictures ▶️

“Goddamn White Trash” – MINISTRY 🎶

"Les Blancs méritent de plus en plus le nom de Pâles que leur donnaient les Indiens d'Amérique." [Os brancos merecem cada vez mais o nome de caras-pálidas que lhes deram os indígenas da América.] Cioran, Cahiers: 1957-1972 À medida que o mundo continua à beira do abismo com pandemias, mudanças climáticas, caos sociopolítico, golpes à… Continue lendo “Goddamn White Trash” – MINISTRY 🎶

O novo populismo de direita que avança no mundo | 21 Notícias que marcaram o século 21 | BBC News Brasil ▶️

2 de março de 2024 | O populismo atravessa a história e o espectro ideológico - da direita à esquerda. Mas o século 21 inaugura uma espécie de "populismo 2.0". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAiIey4mwuU&ab_channel=BBCNewsBrasil A nova ascensão do populismo de direita e as questões que ela traz para o futuro das democracias modernas é o tema deste novo… Continue lendo O novo populismo de direita que avança no mundo | 21 Notícias que marcaram o século 21 | BBC News Brasil ▶️

Julian Assange’s fight against extradiction | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

Assange targeted by U.S. and Trump over his WikiLeaks exposures, lawyer says Reuters, February 20, 2024 LONDON - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was targeted by the U.S. over his exposure of state-level crimes, and Donald Trump had requested options on how to deal with him, his lawyers said on Tuesday as they battle to stop… Continue lendo Julian Assange’s fight against extradiction | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️