“How nihilism got lost” – Nolen Gertz | The Institute of Art and Ideas ▶️

June 25, 2024 | Nolen Gertz discusses the often forgotten history of nihilism (of which Nietzsche is only one small part). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHRuHgy37Lo&ab_channel=TheInstituteofArtandIdeas CHAPTERS: 00:00 Introduction00:28 the Russian nihilists04:20 Beginning with Socrates06:04 Descartes and sleep08:20 the fanboy David Hume10:25 Enter Immanuel Kant13:30 The origin of the term Nihilism, the abandonment of all fundamental beliefs, may appear… Continue lendo “How nihilism got lost” – Nolen Gertz | The Institute of Art and Ideas ▶️