Entartung: as vicissitudes de uma palavra tabu: alguns aspectos do uso das palavras “Entartung” e “Degeneration” em Nietzsche – Janske HERMENS

Cadernos Nietzsche (31), 2012, Dossê "Leituras Holandesas de Nietzsche" [PDF] Resumo: Com frequência, acredita-se ser Nietzsche uma das fontes de inspiração do uso nazista da palavra 'Entartung', que é notória, entre outros, por causa do conceito nazista de 'Entartete Kunst'. Neste ensaio, defende-se que o uso nietzschiano da palavra era bastante diversificado e ambíguo, e inapropriado… Continue lendo Entartung: as vicissitudes de uma palavra tabu: alguns aspectos do uso das palavras “Entartung” e “Degeneration” em Nietzsche – Janske HERMENS

Fascism in Italy: the hipster fascists trying to bring Mussolini back into the mainstream | Channel 4 News ▶️

March 2, 2018 | In this short documentary we meet the small, fascist party that runs a youth hostel, a medical centre and a food bank - but only if you're Italian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3x-ge4w46E The fascist movement that has brought Mussolini back to the mainstream Italy’s CasaPound has been central to normalising fascism again in the… Continue lendo Fascism in Italy: the hipster fascists trying to bring Mussolini back into the mainstream | Channel 4 News ▶️

“Unveiling the implicit beauty in Stoicism” – John VERVAEKE ▶️

John Vervaeke explores the intricate relationship between beauty and stoicism. Vervaeke delves into the philosophical underpinnings of stoicism, focusing on its emphasis on beauty as a pathway to understanding reality and virtue. He articulates how stoicism aligns beauty with wisdom, offering insights into cognitive science, virtue ethics, and the transformative power of beauty in perceiving… Continue lendo “Unveiling the implicit beauty in Stoicism” – John VERVAEKE ▶️

“Além do niilismo” – CAMUS

Existem, portanto, para o homem, uma ação e um pensamento possíveis no nível médio que é o seu. Qualquer empreendimento mais ambicioso revela-se contraditório. O absoluto não é alcançado, nem muito menos criado através da história. A política não é a religião; do contrário, não passa de inquisição. Como a sociedade definiria um absoluto? Talvez… Continue lendo “Além do niilismo” – CAMUS

Apocalypse: should we start to panic? | DW documentary ▶️

When will the world end? The end of the world is history's longest cliffhanger. It has been predicted at least 200 times over the last 2000 years. That's an average of one doomsday prediction every ten years. Gnosticism, then and now, in my judgment rises as a protest against apocalyptic faith, even when it rises… Continue lendo Apocalypse: should we start to panic? | DW documentary ▶️

“The Seven Types of Atheist” – Adam FORREST

We spoke to philosopher John Gray about the many different forms of atheist that exist today, and why the majority of them suck. Vice Magazine, April 23, 2018 Not believing in God has always seemed perfectly sensible to me, but also a bit of a tedious thing to discuss. Of course, that hasn't stopped the… Continue lendo “The Seven Types of Atheist” – Adam FORREST

“Nothing: the science of emptiness” – Frank Wilczek, John Barrow, Paul Davies, George Ellis | World Science Festival ▶️

Why is there something rather than nothing? And what does ‘nothing’ really mean? More than a philosophical musing, understanding nothing may be the key to unlocking deep mysteries of the universe, from dark energy to why particles have mass. Journalist John Hockenberry hosts Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek, esteemed cosmologist John Barrow, and leading physicists Paul… Continue lendo “Nothing: the science of emptiness” – Frank Wilczek, John Barrow, Paul Davies, George Ellis | World Science Festival ▶️

“Apocalyptic thinking after Günther Anders” – Babette BABICH ▶️

This talk explores Günther Anders’ reflections on time and eschatology along with his phenomenology of the post-apocalyptic body. It may be argued that Anders’ 1956 Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen never appeared in English owing to his emphasis on the American use of the atomic bomb in 1945. Anders argued that thereby, with bombs but also… Continue lendo “Apocalyptic thinking after Günther Anders” – Babette BABICH ▶️

Severino, Vattimo, Natoli, Volpi: I Filosofi e il Nichilismo | “L’infedele” (2004) ▶️

Emanuele Severino (Brescia, 26 febbraio 1929 – Brescia, 17 gennaio 2020) è stato un filosofo e compositore italiano. È considerato da parte della critica come uno dei più grandi filosofi del '900. Il suo pensiero filosofico intende collocarsi oltre tutta la storia della filosofia occidentale, che secondo Severino è permeata dal nichilismo. Gianni Vattimo (Torino,… Continue lendo Severino, Vattimo, Natoli, Volpi: I Filosofi e il Nichilismo | “L’infedele” (2004) ▶️

“Theological Politics and the End of Time: Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders” – Babette BABICH ▶️

Before prof. Babette Babich, prof. Gilson Schwartz speaks about "The Political Theology of Jacob Taubes". The lectures were held via Zoom on 28 April 2023, at the Academia Judaica, Chavura: Filosofia Politica e Judaismo. Prof. Babich's lecture on "Apocalypse and End-Time: Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders" begins at 51m00s. https://youtu.be/49NLb5yqyOY?feature=shared&t=3060 Babette E. Babich (born 14… Continue lendo “Theological Politics and the End of Time: Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders” – Babette BABICH ▶️