Baby Jesus in incubator: an artist’s tribute to Gazan children | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

Palestinian artist Rana Bishara showed an installation of a figure of baby Jesus inside an incubator in front of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in support of Gaza. Bishara said that there would be no Christmas celebrations amongst Palestinians for as long as Israel bombards Gaza, and she put a figure of baby… Continue lendo Baby Jesus in incubator: an artist’s tribute to Gazan children | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

50 killed (including children) at UN school bombarded by Israeli Forces | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

Palestinians in Gaza are caught "between a rock and a hard place". There's nowhere for them to run to, nowhere to be safe at. As the Brazilian proverb goes, "se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come" [If you run the beast will end up catching you, if you stay it will eat… Continue lendo 50 killed (including children) at UN school bombarded by Israeli Forces | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️