La implacable postura de Israel: niños palestinos ante tribunales militares | DW documental | France 24 Español ▶️

En "Mecanismos de la utopía", Cioran afirma, sin duda pensando en las Confesiones de San Augustín, que "un niño que no roba no es un niño". Análogamente, en Palestina, un niño que no tira piedras en las fuerzas policiales de la Ocupación no es un niño. Un niño palestino podría identificarse bien con la experiencia… Continue lendo La implacable postura de Israel: niños palestinos ante tribunales militares | DW documental | France 24 Español ▶️

“Israel não é sua extrema direita e os palestinos não são o Hamas” – Michel Gherman | Meio ▶️

Nesta edição extra do Conversas com o Meio, Pedro Doria recebe Michel Gherman, professor, sociólogo e historiador da UFRJ. Em pauta, os conceitos de apartheid, genocídio e sionismo — e como sua compreensão orienta e distorce o debate sobre Israel e Palestina. E ainda: a extrema direita em Israel está se desmontando? Confira nesta conversa.… Continue lendo “Israel não é sua extrema direita e os palestinos não são o Hamas” – Michel Gherman | Meio ▶️

“Everyday Israelis express support for genocide” – Abby Martin | The Empire Files ▶️

On the streets of Jerusalem, Abby Martin interviews Jewish Israeli citizens from all walks of life. In several candid interviews, disturbing comments reveal commonly-held views about Palestinians and their future in the region. Israeli-born human rights activist and anti-Zionist, Ronnie Barkan, explains why these attitudes dominate Israeli society. An independent documentary & interview series… Continue lendo “Everyday Israelis express support for genocide” – Abby Martin | The Empire Files ▶️

‘They Came Here to Attack Arabs’: Welcome to Life in Israel’s ‘Mixed Cities’ | Al Jazeera ▶️

When solidarity protests erupted across the country in May, a Palestinian resident in the city of Lydd (or Lod, as Israel renamed it) told AJ+ that local Jewish Israelis marked their homes with red paint so they could be targeted for attacks by armed settlers. This is part of a much larger project happening… Continue lendo ‘They Came Here to Attack Arabs’: Welcome to Life in Israel’s ‘Mixed Cities’ | Al Jazeera ▶️

“We Cry for the Palestinians” – Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss | Let the Quran Speak ▶️

Apr 28, 2023. Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss is an activist and spokesperson for Neturei Karta, which vocally opposes Zionism and the state of Israel. Irrespective of whether or not the Palestinian people was affected or the land was uninhabited, Neturei Karta say the Jewish people didn't have a right to self-determination. The establishment of… Continue lendo “We Cry for the Palestinians” – Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss | Let the Quran Speak ▶️

Israel’s Hilltop Youth: Thou Shalt Not Kill | Radicalised Youth | Al Jazeera ▶️

In late July 2015, an arson attack on a family home in the Palestinian village of Duma, in the West Bank, resulted in the killing of three members of the Dawabshe family, the youngest of whom, Ali, was only 18 months old. The firebombing also caused seven-year-old Ahmed Dawabshe, Ali's brother, second and third-degree… Continue lendo Israel’s Hilltop Youth: Thou Shalt Not Kill | Radicalised Youth | Al Jazeera ▶️

Surviving a Pogrom: Palestinian in Huwara Decries Israeli Settler Attack as “Ethnic Cleansing” | Democracy Now! ▶️

March 2, 2023 - On Sunday, Israeli settlers ransacked and torched Palestinian homes in Huwara, near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, killing at least one Palestinian resident and injuring dozens of others. The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has accused Benjamin Netanyahu's government of backing a pogrom in Huwara. Israeli Minister of… Continue lendo Surviving a Pogrom: Palestinian in Huwara Decries Israeli Settler Attack as “Ethnic Cleansing” | Democracy Now! ▶️

“Israel’s far right government is a gift to settlers” – Vice News ▶️

In December 2022, Israel elected the most far-right government in its history, one that has stated that expanding settlements is its top priority. That’s left Palestinians fearful of a widespread land-grab by settlers and more violence in the occupied West Bank. A difficult road ahead for Israel’s far-right government despite its victoryMiddle East Institute,… Continue lendo “Israel’s far right government is a gift to settlers” – Vice News ▶️

Apartheid Israelense na Palestina: Verdade ou Mentira? | Terra em Transe | TV-PUC ▶️

Recentemente a ONG internacional Human Rights Watch reconheceu o controle israelense sobre a Palestina como um regime de apartheid, juntando-se à ONU, à israelense B'Tselem e a diversas organizações da sociedade civil palestina que têm reivindicado este enquadramento para explicar a situação observada no território pelo menos desde o início dos anos 2000. Mas,… Continue lendo Apartheid Israelense na Palestina: Verdade ou Mentira? | Terra em Transe | TV-PUC ▶️

Israel at 75 – A nation in domestic crisis | DW documentary ▶️

The state of Israel is in political turmoil as it marks its 75th anniversary. While there is still no end in sight to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, Israeli society itself is more divided than ever before. The founding of the Jewish state was a dream come true for Jews around the world.… Continue lendo Israel at 75 – A nation in domestic crisis | DW documentary ▶️