“Why Can’t We Find Meaning Anymore?” – John Vervaeke & Alex O’Connor | Within Reason ▶️

The pessimist has to invent new reasons to exist every day: he is a victim of the “meaning” of life. Cioran, All Gall Is Divided (1952) In a book on Zen Buddhism, by A. W. Watts, I stumble upon this: "But the anxiety-laden problem of what will happen to me when I die is, after… Continue lendo “Why Can’t We Find Meaning Anymore?” – John Vervaeke & Alex O’Connor | Within Reason ▶️

“The oldest fear: apropos of Tolstoy” – CIORAN

NATURE has been generous to none but those she has dispensed from thinking about death. The others she has condemned to the oldest fear and the most corrosive one, without offering or even suggesting a means of recovery. If it is normal to die, it is not so to dally over death nor to think… Continue lendo “The oldest fear: apropos of Tolstoy” – CIORAN