«The myth of Israel’s ‘democracy’» – Ilan Pappé | The Chris Hedges Report ▶️

There are two crises here at work. One is what you can call the Zionist left, this attempt to square the circle to, somehow, say to yourself: "I can be both an occupier and a socialist or a liberal". This failed to work on so many levels. First of all, the Palestinians were not impressed… Continue lendo «The myth of Israel’s ‘democracy’» – Ilan Pappé | The Chris Hedges Report ▶️

“Por que bandeira de Israel é símbolo do bolsonarismo?” – Breno Altman | Opera Mundi ▶️

Uma afinidade eletiva à extrema-direita. O que torna Israel atrativo ao bolsonarismo é o poderio bélico, o militarismo, a índole opressora e autoritária. Bolsonaristas idolatram Ustra: isso diz muito, indiretamente, sobre seu fetiche sionista. Se Israel fosse um país socialista, ou simplesmente democrático1, essa mesma afinidade eletiva não existiria. É uma teologia política do domínio… Continue lendo “Por que bandeira de Israel é símbolo do bolsonarismo?” – Breno Altman | Opera Mundi ▶️

“Jewish Nationality is an Absurdity” (just like Christian or Muslim) – Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro | SaltCubeAnalytics

January 22, 2024 | American Emeritus Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro has a point of view that may surprise you. As an influential voice he is highly critical of Israels policies that go against genuine Jewish interests. This interview has to potential to change anything you thought you know about the root cause of Israel/Palestine conflict. The… Continue lendo “Jewish Nationality is an Absurdity” (just like Christian or Muslim) – Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro | SaltCubeAnalytics

“The Traumatic and Inconsistent Ideology of Zionism” – Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro ▶️

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains the attempt to re-engineer Jewish identity that resulted in the creation of a self-deprecating, logically inconsistent, traumatic ideology called Zionism. Yaakov Shapiro's religious definition of what it means to be a Jew is very simple: a Jew is anyone who accepts and keeps the 613 commandments (mitzvot) given by God at… Continue lendo “The Traumatic and Inconsistent Ideology of Zionism” – Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro ▶️

This Ultra-Extremist Politician Makes Far-Right U.S. Lawmakers Look Mild | The Mehdi Hasan Show | MSNBC ▶️

If you think there’s an extremist takeover of the GOP in the U.S., Mehdi’s got someone to introduce you to — and he’s running circles around any extremist on this side of the pond. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ZhbCRpmfY The Israeli Government Goes Extreme Right The country’s longest-serving prime minister is returning to power—and bringing radicalism with him. Yair… Continue lendo This Ultra-Extremist Politician Makes Far-Right U.S. Lawmakers Look Mild | The Mehdi Hasan Show | MSNBC ▶️

Israel’s Hilltop Youth: Thou Shalt Not Kill | Radicalised Youth | Al Jazeera ▶️

In late July 2015, an arson attack on a family home in the Palestinian village of Duma, in the West Bank, resulted in the killing of three members of the Dawabshe family, the youngest of whom, Ali, was only 18 months old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqSfrluRGAc The firebombing also caused seven-year-old Ahmed Dawabshe, Ali's brother, second and third-degree… Continue lendo Israel’s Hilltop Youth: Thou Shalt Not Kill | Radicalised Youth | Al Jazeera ▶️