WCNSF: an acronym that translates the horror and plight of Gaza’s children | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

An acronym that has been employed by medical care workers in Gaza is WCNSF: "wounded child, no surviving family." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24PhrmfAVwQ Middle East Eye (November 4, 2023) “This avalanche of human suffering is unprecedented in modern times.” Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan, a pediatric intensive care doctor for Doctors Without Borders and a co-founder of the GazaMedicVoices social… Continue lendo WCNSF: an acronym that translates the horror and plight of Gaza’s children | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

“Why Can’t We Find Meaning Anymore?” – John Vervaeke & Alex O’Connor | Within Reason ▶️

The pessimist has to invent new reasons to exist every day: he is a victim of the “meaning” of life. Cioran, All Gall Is Divided (1952) In a book on Zen Buddhism, by A. W. Watts, I stumble upon this: "But the anxiety-laden problem of what will happen to me when I die is, after… Continue lendo “Why Can’t We Find Meaning Anymore?” – John Vervaeke & Alex O’Connor | Within Reason ▶️

“The temptation to exist” (essay) – CIORAN

For centuries theologians have told us that hope is the daughter of patience. And of modesty as well, one might add; the man of pride has no time for hope … Unwilling and unable to wait for their culmination, he violates events as much as he violates his own nature; bitter, tainted, when he exhausts… Continue lendo “The temptation to exist” (essay) – CIORAN

Hello, I have death anxiety | The Guardian | Death Land #3 ▶️

November 21, 2019 | A lot of people are scared of death. But some people, including Leah, think about it an unhealthy amount. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWAYG2kNDr8 Thanatophobia is an irrational fear of death or the dying process. When we asked for your views, a lot of you said suffer from this too. So this week's episode of… Continue lendo Hello, I have death anxiety | The Guardian | Death Land #3 ▶️