“Power & Panic: The Last Days for Christian Nationalism” – Seth Andrews | The Thinking Atheist ▶️

Seth Andrews addresses the rise (and impending fall) of American Christian Nationalism. All-out fearmongering and bigotry. White Christian Nationalism is White Trash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX68xUX4Gvk&ab_channel=TheThinkingAtheist The Thinking Atheist: Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides.

“The Settlers”: a documentary film by Shimon Dotan (2016) ▶️

An intimate look at life inside the Jewish settlements in the West Bank Zionists accuse their critics of antisemitism. According to them, anti-Zionism amounts to a denial of the right of Jews for self-determination. Well, it all depends on the conditions and circumstances of the self-determination. If it involves unlawfully occupying and stealing the land… Continue lendo “The Settlers”: a documentary film by Shimon Dotan (2016) ▶️

“With God on our side” (2010): documentary on Christian Zionism ▶️

"Christians and Jews can unite, and we can control the future." (John Hagee) Secular, political utopianism is nothing compared to the Christian Evangelical-Zionist strain of utopian wishful thinking. What is more likely to "control the future"? Theology, faith in apocalyptic prophecies and religious superstition? Or the pragmatic alliance between politics, sciences and human cooperative agency?… Continue lendo “With God on our side” (2010): documentary on Christian Zionism ▶️

March for Israel speaker John Hagee once said God “sent Hitler to help Jews reach the Promised Land” | Democracy Now! ▶️

Speakers at Tuesday's "March for Israel" on the National Mall included Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Christian fundamentalist House Speaker Mike Johnson and radical Christian Zionist pastor John Hagee, who once said God "sent Hitler to help Jews reach the Promised Land." Sarah Posner, a reporter focused on the American Christian right, discusses Hagee and… Continue lendo March for Israel speaker John Hagee once said God “sent Hitler to help Jews reach the Promised Land” | Democracy Now! ▶️

“How Evangelicals betray Christians in the Holy Land” | Al Jazeera ▶️

Palestinian Christians have been disappearing from the Holy Land for decades, even though this region is where Christianity began. So what’s going on? Dena Takruri goes to Bethlehem to ask the Palestinian Christians who remain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa6igKc1M9s 1:35 Why have so many Christians left Bethlehem?2:21 How Israel’s occupation affects Christians5:53 What the West gets wrong about… Continue lendo “How Evangelicals betray Christians in the Holy Land” | Al Jazeera ▶️

Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO ▶️

Christian Zionism is an ideology that, in a Christian context, espouses the return of the Jewish people to the Holy Land. Likewise, it holds that the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 was in accordance with Bible prophecy: that the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in the Levant — the eschatological "Gathering of Israel"… Continue lendo Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO ▶️