“Philosophy, Spirituality, Esotericism & the Crisis of Meaning” – Justin SLEDGE; Zevi SLAVIN; John VERVAEKE | ESOTERICA ▶️

The pessimist has to invent new reasons to exist every day: he is a victim of the “meaning” of life. Cioran, All Gall Is Divided (1952) A conversation about modernity and the crisis of meaning. Justin Sledge’s work engages with Religious Studies specifically in the so-called “Western Esoteric Tradition” or Hermetic Tradition in religious and philosophical… Continue lendo “Philosophy, Spirituality, Esotericism & the Crisis of Meaning” – Justin SLEDGE; Zevi SLAVIN; John VERVAEKE | ESOTERICA ▶️

“Jewish Mysticism” – Filip Holm | Let’s Talk Religion ▶️

We continue our series on mysticism by exploring Judaism and its mystical tradition, including the famous Kabbalah but also going beyond it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzbNq_kfLKU Let’s Talk Religion is a YouTube channel run by Filip Holm which aims to educate on the subject of religion from an academic perspective and to open up for informed discussions on the subject. You… Continue lendo “Jewish Mysticism” – Filip Holm | Let’s Talk Religion ▶️

“Can you be religious and a skeptic?” – Justin Sledge | Esoterica | Genetically Modified Skeptic ▶️

Drew McCoy, aka the Genetically Modified Skeptic (YouTube), talks about the occult, skepticism, gnosticism, and more with Dr. Justin Sledge of Esoterica (YouTube). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBZBnUkQ5Jc Andrew McCoy, better known online as Genetically Modified Skeptic, is an American atheist YouTuber who makes videos about atheism, responses to religious videos, and has also criticised alternative medicine. Esoterica is an… Continue lendo “Can you be religious and a skeptic?” – Justin Sledge | Esoterica | Genetically Modified Skeptic ▶️

“Who are the Archons: the rulers of the cosmos in gnosticism & their origins in cosmology and magic” – Justin SLEDGE | ESOTERICA ▶️

Gnosticism is infamous for its conception of the cosmos as the creation of the satanic Demiurge. But along with this entity is a retinue of demonic cosmic powers or Archons that act as co-creators and wardens of this prison universe. Join me as I explore the origins, nature and function of the Archons. From their… Continue lendo “Who are the Archons: the rulers of the cosmos in gnosticism & their origins in cosmology and magic” – Justin SLEDGE | ESOTERICA ▶️