Are we witnessing Nakba 2.0 in Gaza? | The Stream | Al Jazeera ▶️

May 29, 2024 | "Exist, resist, return!" You may have heard this chant at events this month to mark Nakba Day on May 15, which commemorates the displacement of at least 750,000 Palestinians in 1948 during the founding of Israel. The Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of… Continue lendo Are we witnessing Nakba 2.0 in Gaza? | The Stream | Al Jazeera ▶️

“It’s Bisan from Gaza, and this is a second Nakba” | Al Jazeera ▶️

May 15, 2024 | For Palestinians, May 15 marks the anniversary of the “Nakba” — Arabic for “catastrophe” — when hundreds of thousands were forced from their homes. Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7 has been called the “second Nakba” by many Palestinians forced to flee their homes. Bisan Owda spoke with three… Continue lendo “It’s Bisan from Gaza, and this is a second Nakba” | Al Jazeera ▶️

The Stones Cry Out: The Story Of Palestinian Christians (they exist) | Documentary film (2013)

In 1948 the history of Palestine changed forever, but little is ever said about the upheaval faced by its Christian minority. Christians have lived side by side with Muslims and Jews for almost two thousand years. An integral part of Palestinian society, they have shared in the events of recent history, yet their voices are… Continue lendo The Stones Cry Out: The Story Of Palestinian Christians (they exist) | Documentary film (2013)

“A colonização israelense da Palestina” – Bruno Huberman | Laboratório Mundo Árabe e Islã ▶️

Professor de Relações Internacionais da PUC-SP, Bruno Huberman explora as contradições do processo colonial israelense, o seu trajeto histórico, a sua economia política, particularmente como interage com o neoliberalismo, e também a resistência palestina. Como explica Huberman, há estratificação e segregação racial entre os judeus em Israel, um Estado etno-nacionalista (judaico) de orientação ashkenazi… Continue lendo “A colonização israelense da Palestina” – Bruno Huberman | Laboratório Mundo Árabe e Islã ▶️

“In Gaza now, it’s worse than ethnic cleansing” – Ilan PAPPÉ | Al Jazeera ▶️

February 25, 2024 | In this episode of Centre Stage, our guest is Ilan Pappé. He’s an Israeli historian and professor at the University of Exeter. Pappé is known for his outspoken views on the Israeli-Palestinian question - drawing both praise and criticism. He’s the author of several books including "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine",… Continue lendo “In Gaza now, it’s worse than ethnic cleansing” – Ilan PAPPÉ | Al Jazeera ▶️

Norman Finkelstein on Israel and Palestine | Piers Morgan Uncensored ▶️

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by author and political scientist Dr Norman Finkelstein after being one of our most highly-requested guests to cover the Israel and Palestine conflict. In this interview, the controversial Jewish scholar answers whether he condemns the attacks by Hamas on October 7th, explains some of the historical mistreatment Palestine has… Continue lendo Norman Finkelstein on Israel and Palestine | Piers Morgan Uncensored ▶️

“Israel Is Testing New Weapons on Gaza as Arms Dealers Profit from Gaza War” – Antony Loewenstein | Democracy Now! ▶️

Worldwide protests calling for a ceasefire are drawing attention to the role of weapons manufacturers and distributors supplying machinery to Israel's assault on Gaza, with demonstrators blocking shipping tankers and entrances to weapons factories, and unionized workers refusing to handle military materiel over the war in Gaza. There is "a growing public awareness and… Continue lendo “Israel Is Testing New Weapons on Gaza as Arms Dealers Profit from Gaza War” – Antony Loewenstein | Democracy Now! ▶️

Por dentro do Hamas | The Whole Story | CNN ▶️

Como é que o grupo terrorista Hamas realizou o ataque massivo a Israel? A CNN traz para você tudo o que você precisa saber sobre a história e a filosofia do Hamas e quais são suas capacidades agora. Os acordos de Oslo (the Oslo Accords em inglês) foram uma série de acordos na cidade… Continue lendo Por dentro do Hamas | The Whole Story | CNN ▶️

Israeli journalist shares message after being attacked by mob over expressing solidarity with Gaza | Middle East Eye ▶️

19 October, 2023 | Israel Frey, an Israeli journalist who went into hiding after his house was attacked by a mob over expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza last week, recorded a video message that was shared by his friends and colleagues. In the video, Frey addressed the ongoing campaign of intimidation against Jewish… Continue lendo Israeli journalist shares message after being attacked by mob over expressing solidarity with Gaza | Middle East Eye ▶️

“Roots run deep”: collective & individual trauma in Palestine/Israel – Gabor Maté | Science & Nonduality ▶️

Since I do not think an intrinsic property of evil can be defined, I am, rather, concerned with tracing what evil does to us. If designating something as evil is a way of marking the fact that it shatters our trust in the world, it’s that effect, more than the cause, which I want to… Continue lendo “Roots run deep”: collective & individual trauma in Palestine/Israel – Gabor Maté | Science & Nonduality ▶️