The more you expect from life, the less you get: the philosophy of Samuel Beckett | Pursuit of Wonder ▶️

Samuel Beckett is widely regarded as one of the darkest, strangest, and most dramatically innovative writers of the 20th century. Gaining international fame in part for confusing and frustrating audiences, his work is coded with the goop of absurdity and oozes with the sludge of black humor. Inside, however, Beckett's work is deeply poignant and… Continue lendo The more you expect from life, the less you get: the philosophy of Samuel Beckett | Pursuit of Wonder ▶️

“Stoic Nihilism & The Beauty of Oblivion” (Rainer J. Hanshe)

HYPERION, Volume III, issue 1, February 2008 * A meditation on Beckett’s Happy Days I have little talent for happiness. —Samuel Beckett If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. —Emily Dickinson . . . weak characters that have… Continue lendo “Stoic Nihilism & The Beauty of Oblivion” (Rainer J. Hanshe)