Richard Dawkins on scientific truth, outgrowing God and life beyond Earth | Channel 4 ▶️

Richard Dawkins is one of the world's most famous atheists, an evolutionary biologist at Oxford and best-selling author of The God Delusion. His new book, Outgrowing God - A Beginner's Guide, aims to inform young people about religion and atheism. He talks to Krishnan about why he wrote it, his passion for scientific truth and… Continue lendo Richard Dawkins on scientific truth, outgrowing God and life beyond Earth | Channel 4 ▶️

“Why biblical ‘wisdom’ fails” – Stephen Woodford | Rationality Rules ▶️

Rationality Rules is a YouTube channel run by Stephen Woodford who dedicates himself to debunking supernatural beliefs and refuting religious dogma. By the way, Mozambican writer Mia Couto once gave a remarkable speech about the political exploitation of fear, in which he denounced "those who fear that fear might end" (quem tenha medo que o… Continue lendo “Why biblical ‘wisdom’ fails” – Stephen Woodford | Rationality Rules ▶️

“Think for yourself: breaking out of indoctrination” – Janna Levin & Richard Dawkins | The Poetry of Reality ▶️

Kant waited until the last days of his old age to perceive the dark side of existence and to indicate “the failure of any rational theodicy.” . . . Others have been luckier: to them this occurred even before they began to philosophize. Emil CIORAN, Anathemas & Admirations If you seek yourself outside yourself, then… Continue lendo “Think for yourself: breaking out of indoctrination” – Janna Levin & Richard Dawkins | The Poetry of Reality ▶️

“God is not a solution – but a problem” – OSHO ▶️

"I do not believe that God does not exist, I know for sure He does not exist. And thank God that he does not exist—because the existence of God would have created so many problems, difficulties, that life would have been almost impossible." (Osho) "God is a roughand-ready answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers—basically even… Continue lendo “God is not a solution – but a problem” – OSHO ▶️