“Herculaneum scrolls reveal Plato’s burial location” – Luke Ranieri | PolýMATHY ▶️

New research into the Herculaneum Scrolls, a collection of more than 1,800 papyrus scrolls found in the preserved ruins of Herculaneum, near Pompeii, entombed by the volcanic ash of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD, has revealed where Plato the great Athenian philosopher was buried. Where exactly was Plato's Academy, and what is… Continue lendo “Herculaneum scrolls reveal Plato’s burial location” – Luke Ranieri | PolýMATHY ▶️

Arqueologia no DOI-Codi: rompendo o silêncio | TV Unicamp | Documentário (2024) ▶️

"Arqueologia no DOI-Codi: rompendo o silêncio" é uma produção jornalística audiovisual da Secretaria Executiva de Comunicação (SEC) da Unicamp. O filme retrata o trabalho de escavações arqueológicas realizadas em uma sede do extinto Destacamento de Operações de Informações – Centro de Operações de Defesa Interna (DOI-Codi), local onde, estima-se, mais de 7 mil sequestrados políticos… Continue lendo Arqueologia no DOI-Codi: rompendo o silêncio | TV Unicamp | Documentário (2024) ▶️

“Alejandría: la puerta del mundo” – José Ramón Pérez-Accino | Fundación Juan March (2013) ▶️

La ciudad de Alejandría, situada en el extremo occidental del Delta del Nilo, se presenta ante los ojos de la historia con un papel complejo. Está situada en Egipto, pero es una ciudad extranjera. Recibe la denominación de Alexandria ad Aegyptum, esto es, Alejandría “junto” a Egipto pero sin formar parte de él. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXlO7Vw7MJI A… Continue lendo “Alejandría: la puerta del mundo” – José Ramón Pérez-Accino | Fundación Juan March (2013) ▶️

“Christianity: gnosticism for the masses” – Peter SLOTERDIJK

Shortly after the Second World War, which led to the death of forty-two million people according to conservative estimates and fifty-five million according to others, a large clay container filled with numerous papyrus codices in the Coptic language, almost all extraordinarily well preserved, was found at the foot of a crag in the Egyptian desert,… Continue lendo “Christianity: gnosticism for the masses” – Peter SLOTERDIJK

Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia – Filip HOLM | Let’s Talk Religion

In this episode, we finally explore the vast and important religious tradition of ancient Mesopotamia! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm0EkFaRxTE Sources/Suggested Reading: Bottéro, Jean (2004). Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia. Translated by Teresa Lavender Fagan. University of Chicago Press. Michalowski, Piotr (2012). The Mortal Kings of Ur: Short Century of Divine Rule in Ancient Mesopotamia. In Religion and Power: Divine… Continue lendo Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia – Filip HOLM | Let’s Talk Religion

The Lost City Of Knowledge: What Life Was Like In Ancient Alexandria | Timeline documentary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbHGFfHicDc Alexandria, a royal Greek city in the land of the Pharaohs. Along the sandy banks of the Nile delta on the African Mediterranean coast, the most powerful metropolis of its time rose from virtually nothing. The Hellenistic culture mingled with the legacy of the Pharaohs and bore the fruits of a glorious new heritage.… Continue lendo The Lost City Of Knowledge: What Life Was Like In Ancient Alexandria | Timeline documentary

“Hatshepsut, mujer de Estado en 1492 a.C.” – José Manuel GALÁN

Fundación Juan March, 18 de octubre de 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YwF_owJ9wM En la segunda conferencia del ciclo Más que reinas. Hatshepsut, el egiptólogo, arqueólogo y profesor de investigación del CSIC José Manuel Galán analiza la política constructiva monumental –templos, obeliscos, capillas, relieves y esculturas– del reinado de Hatshepsut, con especial atención al programa de legitimación y publicidad de su poder político-religioso, haciéndose… Continue lendo “Hatshepsut, mujer de Estado en 1492 a.C.” – José Manuel GALÁN

“¿Qué revelan los manuscritos del Mar Muerto?” – Julio TREBOLLE & Florentino García MARTÍNEZ

Fundación Juan March, 12-21 de mayo de 2005 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfCCfAI4nQ4 Los catedráticos Julio Trebolle y Florentino García Martínez explican los aportes más destacados del descubrimiento de los manuscritos del Mar Muerto. Trebolle pone en relación las identidades judía y cristiana a partir del hallazgo de la comunidad de Qumrán, de cuyos textos se pueden extraer nuevas… Continue lendo “¿Qué revelan los manuscritos del Mar Muerto?” – Julio TREBOLLE & Florentino García MARTÍNEZ