Hizb ut-Tahrir: unmasking the extremist group infiltrating pro-Palestine protests | 60 Minutes Australia ▶️

Jun 16, 2024 | The deaths of innocent civilians are heartbreaking. The destruction of towns and villages is horrendous. What’s happening in Gaza, following Hamas’ murderous rampage in Israel last October, is a catastrophe that’s destabilising the whole world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrCLf57juLs&ab_channel=60MinutesAustralia In Australia, regular protests supporting both sides of the conflict have so far been mostly… Continue lendo Hizb ut-Tahrir: unmasking the extremist group infiltrating pro-Palestine protests | 60 Minutes Australia ▶️

Why the Islamic State remains a threat? | DW documentary ▶️

Is the world facing a resurgence of the so-called Islamic State (IS)? In northern Syria, many former IS fighters are imprisoned in hard-to-secure prisons. Among their children, the next generation of jihadists is growing up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn14o01bXaU A severe earthquake in February 2023 brought northern Syria back into the international spotlight. It’s a region that has… Continue lendo Why the Islamic State remains a threat? | DW documentary ▶️

Iranian 16yo girl in coma after being assaulted by morality police | DW News ▶️

According to the Kurdish rights group Hengaw, a teenage Iranian girl is in a coma after being assaulted by the morality police in Tehran's subway. Armita Garawand was attacked for violating the Islamic republic's hijab rules. Iranian authorities deny the claims. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIHPo26QaBI This case happens a little over one year after the murder of Mahsa… Continue lendo Iranian 16yo girl in coma after being assaulted by morality police | DW News ▶️

School poisoning mystery: is girl’s education in Iran under threat? | France24

Since November, over 1,000 schoolchildren have apparently been poisoned by toxic gases in their classrooms, and it seems the attacks are on the rise. An investigation by France24's observers team shows 26 schools were targeted this Wednesday that is the highest figure in a single day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZysrbAxv-uE It is not known who is behind the… Continue lendo School poisoning mystery: is girl’s education in Iran under threat? | France24

Why is Iran’s TikTok generation demanding ‘Women, Life, Freedom’? | BBC News

On September 13, 22 year old Mahsa Amini died after being detained by Iran’s morality police for allegedly violating strict laws requiring women to cover their hair with a headscarf, or hijab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siCHErRPVMw Outrage over her death sparked protests that are challenging the very existence of Iran’s Islamic leadership. BBC Persian’s Jiyar Gol looks at… Continue lendo Why is Iran’s TikTok generation demanding ‘Women, Life, Freedom’? | BBC News

Students in Iran refuse to back down from protests sparked by death of young woman | PBS NewsHour

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5esJZRRwJM Iran's ongoing crackdown against protestors continues as nationwide demonstrations sparked by the death of a 22-year-old woman in police custody are now in their seventh week. Nick Schifrin and producer Zeba Warsi have been speaking with students there and report that despite Iran’s attempts at suppression, the protests persist. RELATED CONTENT:

Michael Flynn’s Holy War | Frontline PBS

A purified Gnosticism, then and now, is truly for a relative handful only, and perhaps is as much an aesthetic as it is a spiritual discipline. But, as the Millennium approaches, with the remote yet real possibility of a virtual Gingrichian America, we may behold a mass Gnosticism of protest rise out of a new… Continue lendo Michael Flynn’s Holy War | Frontline PBS

Indigenous Tribes Push Back Against Evangelical Missionaries | Vice News

For decades, evangelical missionaries have come to Brazil's Amazon in search of new Christians - but indigenous tribes are fighting back. VICE News went to the border of the Javari Valley to find out why it's so hard to keep missionaries out - and why some tribes want them back in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6LPl2pFoeU If you try… Continue lendo Indigenous Tribes Push Back Against Evangelical Missionaries | Vice News

American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel (Christian Nationalism documentary) | Real Stories ▶️

American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel takes audiences into the buckle of Bible belt where a group of defiant ministers, congregations, and community leaders are challenging deeply rooted fundamentalist Christian doctrine in favor of a Gospel of Inclusion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-ePCiUgD0Y Labeled as “heretics” for their beliefs and actions, they refuse to wield their faith as… Continue lendo American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel (Christian Nationalism documentary) | Real Stories ▶️

“Terror and the Western Tradition” – John GRAY

 The figure of the lonely metaphysical terrorist who blew himself up with his bomb appeared in Russia at the end of the nineteenth century … The real genesis of al-Qaeda violence has more to do with a Western tradition of individual and pessimistic revolt for an elusive ideal world than with the Koranic conception of… Continue lendo “Terror and the Western Tradition” – John GRAY