Why Salman Rushdie was stabbed: The Satanic Verses affair | Ex-Muslims of America ▶️

August 25, 2022 | The attempted murder of acclaimed author Salman Rushdie on August 12, 2022 sent an earthquake through civil society and the literary world—but it was more than three decades in the making, originating with accusations of blasphemy against Islam in his 1988 novel The Satanic Verses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP74lrfZ1Fc&ab_channel=Ex-MuslimsofNorthAmerica In the 34 years since,… Continue lendo Why Salman Rushdie was stabbed: The Satanic Verses affair | Ex-Muslims of America ▶️

‘No fires of hell, no heavenly choir’: die-hard Salman Rushdie on near death experience | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

Realism as a literary form is not a sufficient way to describe the craziness of the world. The world is insane as we see every day on the news. Realism is a wonderful form, narrow and deeply grounded in character, but it doesn't allow you to accept that the world is not realistic, but surreal.… Continue lendo ‘No fires of hell, no heavenly choir’: die-hard Salman Rushdie on near death experience | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

Por qué los dictadores temen a la literatura? | DW documental ▶️

18 de enero 2024 | Aunque los escritores no tienen ejércitos, son temidos por los autócratas, afirma el novelista británico-estadounidense Salman Rushdie. Desde 1989 pesaba sobre él una fetua o edicto religioso promulgado por el ayatolá Jomeini. Una condena a muerte que estuvo a punto de cumplirse 32 años después, en el verano de 2022,… Continue lendo Por qué los dictadores temen a la literatura? | DW documental ▶️

SALMAN RUSHDIE – The 60 Minutes interview (1990) ▶️

In 1990, Mike Wallace spoke with The Satanic Verses author, who was marked for death by the Ayatollah Khomeini. The Ayatollah in 1989 declared Rushdie's novel an affront to Islam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIIRv8BkMn4 The Satanic Verses is the fourth novel of British-Indian writer Salman Rushdie. First published in September 1988, the book was inspired by the life… Continue lendo SALMAN RUSHDIE – The 60 Minutes interview (1990) ▶️

Is the control of knowledge power? | DW documentary ▶️

What is presented here under a title that alludes to the great traditions is a meditation on the sentence "Knowledge is power." This is the sentence that dug the grave of philosophy in the nineteenth century. It sums up philosophy and is at the same time its first confession, with which the century-long agony begins.… Continue lendo Is the control of knowledge power? | DW documentary ▶️

“Is wealth a cousin of ignorance?” – Salman Rushdie | Big Think

Salman Rushdie pretty much predicted the future in his new book, The Golden House, wherein the antagonist is "a ruthlessly ambitious, narcissistic, media-savvy villain sporting makeup and coloured hair." Read into that what you will, but Rushdie here posits that he's baffled by the sudden worldwide rejection of knowledge and the elites. He says that… Continue lendo “Is wealth a cousin of ignorance?” – Salman Rushdie | Big Think

Escritor Salman Rushdie é operado após ser esfaqueado no pescoço em NY | Portal E. M. Cioran News

Autor sofreu atentado em na manhã desta sexta-feira e foi levado às pressas, de helicóptero, para hospital O escritor anglo-indiano Salman Rushdie, de 75 anos, está passando por cirurgia após ter sido esfaqueado no pescoço, na manhã desta sexta-feira, por um homem não identificado durante um evento em Nova York. Seu estado de saúde ainda… Continue lendo Escritor Salman Rushdie é operado após ser esfaqueado no pescoço em NY | Portal E. M. Cioran News

“Author Salman Rushdie Attacked on Lecture Stage in New York” – Joshua GOODMAN

BLOOMBERG, 12 August, 2022 Chautauqua, N.Y. (AP) -- Salman Rushdie, the author whose novel The Satanic Verses drew death threats from Iran's leader in the 1980s, was attacked and apparently stabbed in the neck Friday by a man who rushed the stage as he was about to give a lecture in western New York. A… Continue lendo “Author Salman Rushdie Attacked on Lecture Stage in New York” – Joshua GOODMAN