“Lucretius and the Toleration of Intolerable Ideas” – Stephen Greenblatt | Getty Museum ▶️

September 8, 2014 | How does one take in concepts that are initially alien or offensive? Pulitzer Prize-winning author Stephen Greenblatt considers why and how Lucretius' great poem "On the Nature of Things"—the core ideas of which were utterly repugnant to the Christian culture of Renaissance Europe—eluded the period's tight web of censorship and repression,… Continue lendo “Lucretius and the Toleration of Intolerable Ideas” – Stephen Greenblatt | Getty Museum ▶️

“Christianity’s most dangerous idea (and why it won’t die)” – Drew McCoy | Genetically Modified Skeptic ▶️

If Nietzsche, Proust, Baudelaire, or Rimbaud survive the fluctuations of fashions, they owe it to the disinterestedness of their cruelty, to their demonic surgery, to the generosity of their spleen. What makes a work last, what keeps it from dating, is its ferocity.A gratuitous assertion? Consider the prestige of the Gospels, that aggressive book, a… Continue lendo “Christianity’s most dangerous idea (and why it won’t die)” – Drew McCoy | Genetically Modified Skeptic ▶️

Is Christian nationalism on the rise in the United States? | Al Jazeera ▶️

The separation of church and state is widely considered a sacred pillar of American democracy, one upheld by the country’s founding documents, including the Constitution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrTlN5-oQOU However, in recent years, an undercurrent of religious rhetoric has permeated political discourse in the United States, causing many to sound the alarm over attempts at merging religious ideals… Continue lendo Is Christian nationalism on the rise in the United States? | Al Jazeera ▶️

“Christian Fascism Online and Off: The Proud Boys, The Big Lie, and The Great Replacement” – Jessica JOHNSON

The Revealer, February 3, 2022 Devotion to Trump was not the primary motivation for the white terrorism of January 6th, but rather the excuse My introduction to the American televangelist and prosperity gospel preacher Kenneth Copeland, a member of former President Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board, was not through his sermons but through his laugh. The original video… Continue lendo “Christian Fascism Online and Off: The Proud Boys, The Big Lie, and The Great Replacement” – Jessica JOHNSON

How a new Christian right is changing US politics | BBC News

These days, in the United States, we live surrounded by a religiosity that pervades our politics, media, even our sports events. Kierkegaard fiercely insisted on the difficulty, the near impossibility of “becoming a Christian” in what purported to be a Christian society. Harold Bloom, Omens of the Millenium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnG-BI98-_0 A new battle of faith is… Continue lendo How a new Christian right is changing US politics | BBC News

Christian Nationalism on the rise | NBC News

Christian nationalism is bigotry in the name of Jesus. Christian nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their view of Christianity and its role in political and social life. In countries with a state Church, Christian nationalists, in seeking to preserve the status of a Christian state, uphold an antidisestablishmentarian… Continue lendo Christian Nationalism on the rise | NBC News

America’s Authoritarians: The US political divide – Part 1 | People and Power

With guns in their hands and faith in God at their side, many Republicans in the United States continue to believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. As a result, the country remains deeply divided over the last contest for the White House - and the violent attempts at the Capitol that followed to overturn the result.… Continue lendo America’s Authoritarians: The US political divide – Part 1 | People and Power

QAnon Conspiracies Are Tearing Through Evangelical America

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYMIozCKxGE It’s been almost a year since we heard anything from the shadowy figure behind QAnon, yet the wild conspiracy is gaining a foothold in evangelical churches. VICE investigates how congregations across the country have become fertile ground for disinformation and conspiracy theories. ~ VICE News RELATED CONTENT:

Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio: “Dealing with Christian superstition” – Robert M. PRICE

Superstition is more than just believing in fiction. It’s a dangerous incubator for cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, and warped perceptual filters. Most of all, superstition cuts us off from experiencing the sublime and engaging in deep introspection. We deal with Christian superstition, from the notions of eternal damnation to the idea of a personal Jesus… Continue lendo Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio: “Dealing with Christian superstition” – Robert M. PRICE