The Trouble With Being Born: Cioran on Death, Consciousness, and Antinatalism | Ahead Of The Curve ▶️

Emil Cioran was a Romanian philosopher best known for his pervasive pessimism. In this video, I delve into his book of aphorisms The Trouble with Being Born (1973), discussing his views on death, consciousness, and antinatalism. The goal of this channel is to promote critical thinking and learning, in the form of Conversations and… Continue lendo The Trouble With Being Born: Cioran on Death, Consciousness, and Antinatalism | Ahead Of The Curve ▶️

“Cioran’s The Trouble With Being Born” – Clifford Lee Sargent | Better Than Food ▶️

Clifford Lee Sargent does book reviews on YouTube, or personal opinions about books that he considers better than food. The trouble with being born (De l'inconvenient d'être né, 1973) is Cioran's seventh book written and published directly in French. The previous title had been The New Gods (Le mauvais démiurge, 1969), and the following… Continue lendo “Cioran’s The Trouble With Being Born” – Clifford Lee Sargent | Better Than Food ▶️

‘The Refusal to Procreate’ and other Antinatalist Writings – CIORAN

Having exhausted his appetites, the man who approaches a limit-form of detachment no longer wants to perpetuate himself; he loathes surviving in someone else, to whom moreover he has nothing more to transmit; the species appalls him; he is a monster—and monsters do not beget. “Love” still holds him prisoner: an aberration among his thoughts.… Continue lendo ‘The Refusal to Procreate’ and other Antinatalist Writings – CIORAN

The Cheaper Your Pleasures, The Richer You’ll Be: Minimalist Philosophy | EINZELGÄNGER

How can we be satisfied without cost? How can we be wealthy with only the bare minimum? Several philosophers of the past shed their light on questions like these. And, according to some, the cheaper your pleasures, the richer you'll be. This video explores different views on wealth, desire, and pleasure and how being ‘rich’… Continue lendo The Cheaper Your Pleasures, The Richer You’ll Be: Minimalist Philosophy | EINZELGÄNGER

The Trouble With Being Born (1973) review: Stand-up routine at the gates of hell” (Rob Doyle)

EM Cioran is an addictive writer who is nihilistic but never devoid of humour Irish Times, Sat, May 25, 2019 EM Cioran is the most addictive writer I’ve ever encountered. At the height of my fixation, anything I read that wasn’t him felt anodyne, trivial and longwinded. Born in Romania, Cioran wrote most of his savagely pessimistic… Continue lendo The Trouble With Being Born (1973) review: Stand-up routine at the gates of hell” (Rob Doyle)

“The Nihilist as a Not-Man. An Analysis of Psychological Inhumanity” – Ştefan BOLEA

Philobiblon - Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities, vol. 1, no. 1, January 2015 [PDF] This paper is a result of a doctoral research made possible by the financial support of the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007–2013, cofinanced by the European Social Fund, under the project POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132400 - ―Young successful researchers… Continue lendo “The Nihilist as a Not-Man. An Analysis of Psychological Inhumanity” – Ştefan BOLEA

“E.M. Cioran: The Delusions of our Sadness” (S.C. Hickman)

DARK CHEMISTRY - Philosophy, Art, and Ecology at the crossroads of Speculative Realism, November 11th, 2010 "However much I have frequented the mystics, deep down I have always sided with the Devil; unable to equal him in power, I have tried to be worthy of him, at least, in insolence, acrimony, arbitrariness, and caprice."       … Continue lendo “E.M. Cioran: The Delusions of our Sadness” (S.C. Hickman)

“The problem of the absent God” – John WEIGHTMAN

The New York Times, May 23, 1976 These two books are almost twins, although at first sight they may appear very remote from each other, since they emerge from very different cultural backgrounds. Both authors are now in their early sixties and use French as their literary language, though it is not in the full… Continue lendo “The problem of the absent God” – John WEIGHTMAN