“The Blind Spot in Perception: Cognitive Science, Asian Philosophy, and Mystical Insight” – Evan Thompson & John Vervaeke ▶️

Evan Thompson is a philosopher and author, specializing in the integration of cognitive science, philosophy of mind, and Asian philosophical traditions. Based at the University of British Columbia, his work, including his recent book The Blind Spot, examines the intersections of consciousness, experience, and reality through a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FEYm8ehaTE Can cognitive science, philosophy,… Continue lendo “The Blind Spot in Perception: Cognitive Science, Asian Philosophy, and Mystical Insight” – Evan Thompson & John Vervaeke ▶️

“Nihilism as the truth of Christianity in the Age of Interpretation” – Gianni VATTIMO

"The only truth revealed to us by Scripture, the one that can never be demythologized in the course of time—since it is not an experimental, logical, or metaphysical statement but a call to practice—is the truth of love, of charity." Vattimo, The Future of Religion Elsewhere, I have stressed the significance of Dilthey’s reconstruction of… Continue lendo “Nihilism as the truth of Christianity in the Age of Interpretation” – Gianni VATTIMO

“Something wicked this way comes: the Alt-Right’s neo-fascist mobilization of Martin Heidegger” – Gregory FRIED ▶️

Professor Fried provides a rough taxonomy of the alt-right and its global filiations,  examines some of the main ideas, rhetorical strategies, and networks of alt-right thought leaders in the US and abroad and examines what it is about Heidegger’s thought that has led intellectual leaders of the white nationalist international to embrace and deploy Heidegger… Continue lendo “Something wicked this way comes: the Alt-Right’s neo-fascist mobilization of Martin Heidegger” – Gregory FRIED ▶️

“Heidegger, Schmitt, Dugin: exploring intellectual sources of illiberalism” – Harrison Fluss, Emmanuel Faye, Jiantao Liu, Ronald Beiner ▶️

This seminar bridges political philosophy and political science and roots out the intellectual precursors of today's illiberal wave. It discusses how non-humanist philosophers like Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, and Alexander Dugin became referential names for the transatlantic New Right and for certain non-liberal governments. Concepts such as the Being, the notion of the existential enemy,… Continue lendo “Heidegger, Schmitt, Dugin: exploring intellectual sources of illiberalism” – Harrison Fluss, Emmanuel Faye, Jiantao Liu, Ronald Beiner ▶️

Peter Sloterdijk in conversation with Slavoj Žižek | Indigo Festival (2023) ▶️

A conversation between two prominent philosophers, united by their critical analysis of contemporary society and their provocative approach. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CqORC6g0jI Peter Sloterdijk is a German philosopher and cultural theorist. He is a professor of philosophy and media theory at the University of Art and Design Karlsruhe. In the style of Nietzsche, Sloterdijk remains convinced that contemporary… Continue lendo Peter Sloterdijk in conversation with Slavoj Žižek | Indigo Festival (2023) ▶️

“A teologia negativa de Kafka” – Harold BLOOM

Folha de S. Paulo, domingo, 1 de março de 1998  O que confere a Kafka uma autoridade espiritual tão única? Talvez a questão deva ser reformulada. Que espécie de autoridade espiritual tem Kafka para nós? Ou então: por que somos obrigados a lê-lo como alguém que teria tal autoridade? O que nos leva, afinal, a… Continue lendo “A teologia negativa de Kafka” – Harold BLOOM

“On Günther Anders and Promethean shame” – Babette BABICH ▶️

As for the "sources of life," which the gods, according to Hesiod again, have hidden from us, it was Prometheus who took it upon himself to reveal them. Responsible for all our misfortunes, he was quite aware of being so, though he prided himself in his lucidity. The remarks Aeschylus puts in his mouth are… Continue lendo “On Günther Anders and Promethean shame” – Babette BABICH ▶️

“Gnostic Antinomian Rabbi Meets Despotic Anti-Liberal Katechon” – Ethan TAUBES ▶️

“I have no spiritual investment in the world as it is.”  Jacob Taubes (1923 – 1987) My talk will explore—and attempt to further illuminate—why my father, Jacob Taubes, was both fascinated and perplexed by how, as he put it in his 1948 letter to Armin Mohler, “the two most important and intelligent men—the philosopher Heidegger and the constitutional jurist… Continue lendo “Gnostic Antinomian Rabbi Meets Despotic Anti-Liberal Katechon” – Ethan TAUBES ▶️

“Theological Politics and the End of Time: Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders” – Babette BABICH ▶️

Before prof. Babette Babich, prof. Gilson Schwartz speaks about "The Political Theology of Jacob Taubes". The lectures were held via Zoom on 28 April 2023, at the Academia Judaica, Chavura: Filosofia Politica e Judaismo. Prof. Babich's lecture on "Apocalypse and End-Time: Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders" begins at 51m00s. https://youtu.be/49NLb5yqyOY?feature=shared&t=3060 Babette E. Babich (born 14… Continue lendo “Theological Politics and the End of Time: Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders” – Babette BABICH ▶️

Revista Dialectus, UFC, vol. 28, n. 28 (2023): Dossiê Niilismo (vol. 1)

A Revista Dialectus (Qualis A4) (ISSN 2317-2010) (DOI 10.30611) é o periódico científico vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Nossa política editorial é orientada exclusivamente para a publicação de artigos de doutores nas perspectivas da filosofia teórica e prática. Nesse sentido, a revista objetiva ser um espaço editorial de… Continue lendo Revista Dialectus, UFC, vol. 28, n. 28 (2023): Dossiê Niilismo (vol. 1)