Jonestown: Paradise lost and the Kool-Aid death cult (2007) ▶️

Jonestown: Paradise Lost is a 2007 documentary television film on the History Channel about the final days of Jonestown, the Peoples Temple, and Jim Jones. From eyewitness and survivor accounts, the program recreates the last week before the mass murder-suicide on November 18, 1978. The film documents the final days of the Peoples Temple… Continue lendo Jonestown: Paradise lost and the Kool-Aid death cult (2007) ▶️

“Ruin the sacred truths: poetry and belief from the Bible to the present” – Harold BLOOM

SOMEWHERE about the year 100 B.C.E., a Pharisee composed what tradition has called the Book of Jubilees, an exuberant title for quite a bad piece ofwriting. This garrulous work is also known as the Little Genesis, an odd naming since it is much longer than Genesis and covers Exodus as well. I don't enjoy reading… Continue lendo “Ruin the sacred truths: poetry and belief from the Bible to the present” – Harold BLOOM

Journey to Hell: The Path to Self-Knowledge | Eternalised ▶️

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” J. MILTON, Paradise Lost “Hell — as precise as a ticket for a traffic violation;Purgatory — false as all allusions to Heaven;Paradise — window dressing of fictions and vapidity…Dante’s trilogy constitutes the highest rehabilitation of the… Continue lendo Journey to Hell: The Path to Self-Knowledge | Eternalised ▶️

Em busca de um “não-homem”: niilismo, anti-humanismo e mística negativa – Entrevista com Ştefan Bolea (Romênia)

Ştefan Bolea é pesquisador na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Babeș-Bolyai de Cluj-Napoca, Romênia. Além disso, é editor da conceituada revista literária Apostrof, co-fundador e editor-chefe do e-zine cultural EgoPHobia ( Ştefan Bolea obteve seu segundo doutorado summa cum laude em Literatura Comparada, em 2017 (após um primeiro em Filosofia, em 2012), com uma investigação… Continue lendo Em busca de um “não-homem”: niilismo, anti-humanismo e mística negativa – Entrevista com Ştefan Bolea (Romênia)

Acerca de “El Paraiso Perdido” de John Milton – Joan CURBET

Fundación Juan March, 5 de mayo de 2022 En la segunda conferencia del ciclo John Milton: su vida, su obra, su tiempo, el profesor titular del Departamento de Filología inglesa de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Joan Curbet, analiza El Paraíso Perdido (1667) de John Milton, haciendo énfasis en la modernidad de la reinterpretación de… Continue lendo Acerca de “El Paraiso Perdido” de John Milton – Joan CURBET

“John Milton en su tiempo” – Joan CURBET

Fundación Juan March, 3 de mayo de 2022 "Es el poeta que lleva la modernidad en un sentido pleno a la poesía de lengua inglesa […] la modernidad centrada en la defensa de la libertad”. Con estas palabras dedicadas al poeta y ensayista inglés John Milton (Londres, 1608-1674), el profesor titular del Departamento de Filología… Continue lendo “John Milton en su tiempo” – Joan CURBET

FALL FROM PARADISE: Story of a Sleepless Man Adrift in the Dark Night of the Soul ▶️ A short illustrated story about the trials and tribulations of a sleepless man fallen from Paradise and into the burden of time. No monetizing or commercial purposes whatsoever. A Le Dilettante / Portal E.M. Cioran Brasil production. For educational purposes only. "I haven't written with my blood, I've written with all the tears I… Continue lendo FALL FROM PARADISE: Story of a Sleepless Man Adrift in the Dark Night of the Soul ▶️

“Visões de anjos” (Harold Bloom)

Os anjos são tudo, menos imagens efêmeras. A sequência histórica de religiões ocidentais -- zoroastrismo, judaísmo, cristianismo, Islã -- não soube contar a história de suas verdades sem intercessões angélicas, nem há grande tradição religiosa, oriental ou ocidental, que não dependa de anjos. A vida espiritual, expressa no culto ou na prece, na contemplação privada… Continue lendo “Visões de anjos” (Harold Bloom)

“Gnosticism & Modern Nihilism” – Ioan P. CULIANU

Wo keine Göter sind, walten Gespenster.-- NOVALIS 1. The Birth of Nihilism The intention here is not to summarize the debate surrounding nihilism, a concept that appeared in 1799 and continues to be a very live option. I It will suffice to sketch in a few lines the essence of this "uncanny guest" (Nietzsche) who… Continue lendo “Gnosticism & Modern Nihilism” – Ioan P. CULIANU