“Why Satanism is making a comeback” – Alex O’CONNOR & DREW McCOY ▶️

The rise of Satanism in the USA as a countercultural backlash against reactionary white nationalist Christian politics.

Why is God so dull, so feeble, so inadequately picturesque? Why does He lack interest, vigor, actuality and resemble us so little? Is there any image less anthropomorphic and more gratuitously remote? How could we have projected into Him lights so dim and powers so unsteady? Where have our energies leaked away to, where have our desires run out? Who then has absorbed our overflow of vital insolence?
Shall we turn to the Devil? But we cannot address our prayers to him: to worship him would be to pray introspectively, to pray to ourselves. We do not pray to what is the evidence: the exact is not an object of worship. We have placed in our double all our attributes, and, in order to afford him a semblance of solemnity, we have dressed him in black: our vices and our virtues in mourning. […] Because he overflows with life, the Devil has no altar: man recognizes himself too readily in him to worship him; he detests him for good reason; he repudiates himself, and maintains the indigent attributes of God. But the Devil never complains and never aspires to found a religion: are we not here to safeguard him from inanition and oblivion?

CIORAN, A Short History of Decay (1949)

Fallen angel transformed into a demiurge assigned to Creation, Satan rebels against God and reveals himself, here below, more at ease and even more powerful than He; far from being a usurper, he is our master, a legitimate sovereign who would prevail over the Most High, if the universe were reduced to man. So let us have the courage to acknowledge whom we are responsible to.

CIORAN, History and Utopia (1960)

Drew McCoy is the creator and host of the YouTube channel Genetically Modified Skeptic. His videos cover topics including atheism, cults, satanism, and Biblical scholarship.

In this episode we talk about his recent trip to SatanCon in Boston, Massachusetts, and about what the modern satanism movement is all about.


Here we debunk the fake stories and reports about SatanCon 2023 in Boston. Conservative / right wing media like Fox News, the DailyWire, and figures like Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Oli London, and Sean Feucht are exaggerating or lying about the convention and the Satanic Temple in general. Here Taylor and I correct the misinformation that has arisen since SatanCon happened. We focus on Chalice Blythe’s Bible tearing, Christian evangelists’ lies about making converts, Lucean Greaves’ interview on Fox News, and Oli London’s misrepresentation of Baphomet and trans issues.