Israeli soldiers desecrate mosque and make fun of mass destruction of Gaza | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

Massive outrage after Israeli troops in Occupied West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp invaded a mosque, sang Hebrew songs on loudspeaker and climbed its pulpit during an operation against Palestinian fighters.

The soldiers filmed themselves inside the mosque while singing songs and the footage has gone viral, sparking massive outrage and anger online. Israel Defence Forces in a statement confirmed the incident, calling it unacceptable and suspended the soldiers involved in the mosque desecration.

Israeli soldiers recorded themselves mocking the destruction of a home in Gaza. The soldier in the video knocks on the door and pretends to be baffled as to why no one is answering. The person recording then zooms out to show that the only thing left standing of the home is the front door.


“Within a year we will eliminate them all.” A video by Israel’s public broadcaster of children singing about Gaza has caused a backlash online, including among many Israelis.

There’s a new Israeli video trend on social media, inspired by a video of Palestinian detainees being forced to listen to a children’s song while blindfolded for hours. Soldiers, politicians and civilians have filmed themselves reenacting the viral video.