Gaza’s war through a child’s eye | Al Jazeera ▶️

“Yet the eyes’ function is not to see but to weep; and really to see we must close them: that is the condition of ecstasy, of the one revealing vision, whereas perception is exhausted in the horror of the déjá vu of an irreparable recognition scene which occurred at the beginning.”

Cioran, A Short History of Decay (1949)

December 25, 2023 | Under Israeli bombardment, nine-year-old Elaf and her family struggle to find safety in the Gaza Strip.

In Deir Al Balah, an Israeli air strike hits the house next door to Elaf and her family. They had already escaped their home in the Bureij refugee camp after days of Israeli bombardment.

When their dreams of a truce turn into reality, Elaf returns home to discover childhood treasures and the fate of her friends amidst the rubble. But as the truce ends and the bombardment restarts, Elaf and her family are forced to relocate once again.