“It’s Bisan from Gaza, and this is a second Nakba” | Al Jazeera ▶️

May 15, 2024 | For Palestinians, May 15 marks the anniversary of the “Nakba” — Arabic for “catastrophe” — when hundreds of thousands were forced from their homes. Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7 has been called the “second Nakba” by many Palestinians forced to flee their homes.

Bisan Owda spoke with three survivors from the first Nakba who shared firsthand accounts of their struggles in 1948 and today. They spoke about their life before the establishment of Israel and how they’ve now been displaced twice in their lifetimes.

Around 15,000 Palestinians were killed after the Nakba in 1948. And since October 7, Israel has killed over 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza, and 1.7 million people have been displaced — more than double the number of Palestinians displaced in 1948.