Muslims in India: life after the Gujarat pogroms | DW documentary ▶️

June 12, 2024 | Two survivors of the anti-Muslim massacre of 2002 in the Indian state of Gujarat reach adulthood. Sofia and Suzain are sisters growing up in a modest home with their father and grandmother on the outskirts of Ahmedabad.

Sofia’s and Suzain’s family experienced a devastating trauma: More than two decades ago they only just managed to escape the deadly anti-Muslim pogroms of 2002 in the state of Gujarat in western India.

The massacre was triggered by an arson attack on a train that left 58 Hindu pilgrims dead. Blame was swiftly assigned to Muslims, despite the lack of evidence for this claim. Radical Hindus then called for bloody revenge. More than 1,000 people were killed in the ensuing pogroms, most of them Muslims. Women were raped, homes destroyed and families displaced.

As teenagers, Sofia and Suzain refuse to allow the shadows of the past to prevent them living their lives to the full. But as they grow older, reality catches up with them. As the years pass, deadly religious tensions resurface across the country.