Zionist Rabbi of Hate humiliated by Palestinian while ice-skating | The Katie Halper Show ▶️

The (Kosher) Hate You Give

Brazilian Zionists love Bolsonaro

Katie Halper is an American comedian, writer, filmmaker, podcaster, and political commentator. She is the host of the podcast The Katie Halper Show and co-host of the podcast Useful Idiots with Matt Taibbi. Halper was born in New York City. She grew up on Riverside Drive in the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Katie Halper graduated from the Dalton School, and from Wesleyan University in 2003. She is of Jewish Eastern European ancestry and has described herself as a secular Jew. Her father is a psychiatrist and her mother is an English professor and novelist.


Now compare Jamal’s approach to the “Rabbi of Hate” with Stuart Seldowitz’s hateful approach to an Egyptian food vendor also in NYC. Seldowitz was a national security advisor to President Obama.

If the creation of Israel was supposed to solve the problem of antisemitism, maybe it has only worsened it. According to some anti-Zionist Jews (including Rabbis), Israel is the most dangerous place for Jews today.

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