Can Netanyahu resist revolt against his leadership? | Al Jazeera ▶️

February 18, 2024 | The captain of Israel’s genocide in Gaza is facing increasing anger from Israelis for failing to bring captives home—the bitter truth is, Bibi couldn’t care less about the hostages (they are not his family, after all). To make matters worse, the Israeli “crime-minister” has also been on trial for fraud and bribery.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s long been a controversial leader – provoking months of mass protests last year against his changes to weaken the powers of Supreme Court judges.

He’s facing similar protests now, with thousands rallying nationwide on Saturday to demand elections now. Can Netanyahu be toppled from what many say is his disastrous leadership? And is he continuing the war in Gaza to try and stay in power?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan. Guests: Oren Ziv (journalist and commentator with +972 Magazine), Thabet Abu Rass (co-executive director of the Abraham Initiatives and prominent advocate for the rights of Arab Israelis), Akiva Eldar (political analyst and journalist).