“I Am A Natalist”: a parody of the Netflix documentary series “I Am A Killer” | Life Sucks ▶️

Nihilism is not the same as nailism. “The nail that sticks out gets nailed down”, as a Japanese proverb says. “Nailism” designates a conformist sheeple mindset. It’s a herd-like ethos, the bourgeois ideology par excellence. “I prefer not to get hammered down. I want to do what everyone else is doing. And never question it. My parents had children, and their parents had children, so I have children. It doesn’t matter to me that there’s no logical reason for doing it. It’s better to do what the TV tells me to do…” Incipit tragoedia.

The humans beings portrayed on the illustrative images of this video thankfully never existed. They were produced by an open source art generating software.

When we know what fate permits each man, we remain stunned by the disproportion between a moment’s oblivion and the prodigious quantity of disgraces which result from it. The more one reverts to this subject, the more one finds that the only men who have understood anything about it are those who have opted for orgy or for asceticism, the debauched or the castrated.

It is not so much the appetite for life that is to be opposed as the lust for lineage. Parents—genitors—are provocateurs or mad. What could be more demoralizing than the fact that the worst freak should have the faculty of giving life, of “bringing into the world?” How contemplate without dread or repulsion the wonder that makes the first man in the street a demiurge on the brink? What should be a gift as exceptional as genius has been conferred indiscriminately upon all: a liberality of base coinage which forever disqualifies nature.

E. M. Cioran, The New Gods (Le mauvais démiurge). Transl. by Richard Howard. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.

To found a family. I think it would have been easier for me to found an empire.

E. M. Cioran, Drawn & Quartered. Transl. by Richard Howard. New York: Arcade Publishing, 2012.

X maintains we are at the end of a “cosmic cycle” and that soon everything will fall apart. And he does not doubt this for one moment.
At the same time, he is the father of a—numerous— family. With certitudes like his, what aberration has deluded him into bringing into a doomed world one child after the next? If we foresee the End, if we are sure it will be coming soon, if we even anticipate it, better to do so alone. One does not procreate on Patmos.

E. M. Cioran, The Trouble With Being Born. Transl. by Richard Howard. New York: Seaver Books, 2011.


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