Israel-Palestine War: “These justifications are WEAK!” – Cornel West | Piers Morgan Uncensored ▶️

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by presidential hopeful Dr. Cornel West as well as legal scholar Eugene Kontorovich to debate the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestine and whether Israel have committed war crimes and genocide in the region with the growing civilian casualties.

Eugene Kontorovich claims that Hamas are to blame for the mass civilian casualties because they are using the Palestinians as human shields as they hide in underground tunnels. What a weak, fragile rhetoric! Are the three shirtless Israeli hostages carrying a white flag casualties of Hamas as well? Israel’s spokesman also fails to refute the accusation of genocide.

Kontorovich can only appeal to a lousy rhetoric, claiming such accusation to be “what pyschologists call ‘projection’, accusing your enemy, the other side, of exactly what you’re doing”. If that is accurate, renowned Jewish intellectuals such as Raz Segal, Norman Finkelstein, and Gabor Maté (all of which are descendants of Holocaust survivors) can only be “projecting”. Furthermore, they deserve no credibility whatsoever, for they are “traitors” who have taken the side of “the enemy”, they are now on “the other side”.

Kontorovich indulges in the rhetoric that Hamas is to blame for using civilians as shields, hiding in schools and hospitals. At the same time, he certifies that Israel’s destruction of Gaza won’t stop until they have achieved their top priority goal, which is to eradicate Hamas no matter what it takes. But if Hamas is ultimately indistinguishable from innocent civilians, as the IDF claim, that can only mean that Israel won’t stop until they have decimated Gaza’s entire population (or as many Gazans as possible), women and children included. Only then, when there’s nothing left alive in Gaza, they will rest 100% sure there’s no more Hamas left. Like many other official statements made by Netanyahu and his war-mongering thugs, this is a confession of intended genocide.

Got it, stupid?

The Amalek-based genocidal rhetoric deployed by Netanyahu identifies “Amalek” not strictly to Hamas, but implicitly to the entire population of Gaza, be they Hamas combatants/supporters or not. The Bible tells that the tribe of Israel had been brutally ambushed on their way to the Promised Land by members of the Amalekite tribe. God then tells Israel to go and get disproportionate revenge over the people of Amalek as a whole. Here’s a sample of the genocidal discourse found in the Bible against the tribe of Amalek: “Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” (Samuel 15:3).

Not justifying the killing of “man and woman, child and infant” alike, someone reasonably remarked, when it comes to the above passage: but the ox and sheep, the camels and donkeys? What do they have to do with human contentions? Kill them all? Humans and every other living being? That’s utterly ruthless. It makes God come across as a divine butcher (Paul Erdos’s “Supreme Fascist”). And Netanyahu as a “crime-minister”.

Finally, Cornel West thinks that blaming Hamas for the bombing of civilian children is a weak justification for the IDF’s approach and actions within this war and in his opinion, genocide.

Cornel Ronald West is an American philosopher, theologist, political activist, social critic, actor, and public intellectual. The grandson of a Baptist minister, West’s primary philosophy focuses on the roles of race, gender, and class struggle in American society. Wikipedia


“The Hostages Weren’t Our Top Priority”: Israel’s “Bombing Frenzy” Endangered Hostages Held in Gaza

Democracy Now!, December 21, 2023

A new investigation reveals Israel launched its military campaign of relentless airstrikes, which has killed nearly 1% of the population of Gaza, with little intelligence about where hostages taken by Hamas were being held. Jerusalem-based journalist Yuval Abraham reports the military decided hostages were “just not a priority,” their safety “relegated in favor of carrying out this bombing campaign.” The revelation comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces increasing pressure to secure the release of the hostages after Israeli forces shot dead three Israeli hostages who managed to escape captivity in northern Gaza. Abraham lays out the “outrageous” differences between the media reaction to the IDF killing Israeli hostages rather than Palestinian civilians. “Really, at the heart of a lot of what is going on is this disparity between having some people whose lives have meaning and other people whose lives have no meaning for so many people in the West and in Israel.”