Walking away from marriage, children, and other stuff we’re supposed to have | Einzelgänger ▶️

When society believes something is good, does it necessarily mean it’s true? Is it wrong to live life differently? And what is life like when we go against the grain? Let’s explore life without marriage, children, and other stuff we’re supposed to have, the nature of social norms, and some existentialism.

To found a family. I think it would have been easier for me to found an empire.

CIORAN, The Trouble With Being Born (1973)

00:00 – Intro
02:22 – “You’ll end up alone and miserable.”
09:13 – We’re supposed to do… what?
12:16 – The alternative path

Einzelgänger explores a wide range of topics and ideas, with a dose of “as I see it,” out of curiosity and creative urge. Einzelgänger is under the supervision of the Dutch Regulatory Media Authority (Commissariaat voor de Media).