Israeli protesters block aid to Gaza while army shoots at aid-searching Palestinians as starvation looms | Portal E.M. Cioran News ▶️

February 19, 2024 | Being a crime against humanity, Zionicide does not only affect Palestinians. It’s everyone’s problem. The UN is warning of widespread famine in Gaza, with one in four people facing starvation, as food deliveries struggle to get through.

The majority of aid trucks cross through Rafah, on Egypt’s border with Gaza. But heavy bombardment is hampering efforts. Following US pressure, Israel opened the former goods crossing at Kerem Shalom, as well as an inspection station at Nitzana. Both have been blocked by Israeli protests. DW’s Rebecca Ritters reports from the port city of Ashdod.


Palestinians risked their lives trying to get aid in Gaza City as Israeli soldiers opened fire on the starving crowd, gathered in hopes of receiving an aid parcel to feed themselves and their families.

Israeli forces open fire on crowds waiting for aid supplies in northern Gaza, risking famine in the region. The people of Gaza are struggling to survive, with limited access to food and resources. The United Nations has warned of a potential famine, as aid shipments are not enough to meet the growing demand. As crowds gather to receive aid, Israeli forces respond with violence, leaving many injured and in need of urgent medical attention. The situation is dire, and the people of Gaza are pleading for more support from the international community. Tariq Abuzim, reporting from southern Gaza, brings us the latest on this unfolding crisis.

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”
(Karl Marx)

Camp Commandant Amon Goeth, infamous from the movie Schindler’s List, standing on his balcony preparing to shoot prisoners, 1943.

Amon Leopold Goeth, the villain of the movie Schindler’s List, joined the Nazi party at the age of 24. In 1940, he became a member of the Waffen-SS. He was assigned to the SS headquarters for Operation Reinhard in Lublin in German-occupied Poland in 1942.

Operation Reinhard was the plan to evacuate the Jews from the ghettos in Poland to three death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec, all of which were in eastern Poland. In February 1943, Goeth received a promotion and became the third SS officer to hold the job of Commandant of the Plaszow labor camp.

While he was the Commandant of Plaszow, Goeth was assigned to supervise the liquidation of the Podgorze ghetto on March 13, 1943, and later the labor camp at Szebnie. The liquidation of the Podgorze ghetto in Krakow is shown in the movie, Schindler’s List.