“Trump’s Christian Nationalism could end America” – Rob Reiner & Dan Partland | The Bulwark Podcast ▶️

Christian nationalism is not only a threat to democracy, but also to Christianity itself. Prominent evangelicals, like David French and Russell Moore, break it all down in a new documentary, “God & Country.” Charlie Sykes is also in the film. Reiner and Partland take it to 11 with Tim Miller today.

The Bulwark Podcast: Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest news from inside Washington and around the world. No shouting, grandstanding, or sloganeering. Conservative, conscientious, and civil.

0:00 – Intro
1:39 – Christian Nationalism and the Insurrection
5:18 – The Dangers of Christian Nationalism in Politics
13:22 – How Widespread is Christian Nationalism in Politics
17:32 – Trump’s Role as a Vessel for Christian Nationalism
23:44 – How Far Christian Nationalist Views Has Separated from the Teachings of Jesus
26:49- The Darker Sides of Norman Lear’s Archie Bunker
28:55 – Rob Reiner Working on ‘Spinal Tap 2’
29:48 – Reiner’s Dream Blunt Rotation
30:47 – How Dan Partland Copes After Film
31:50 – ‘God & Country’ Trailer