“Jordan Peterson’s most absurd atheist take” – Stephen Woodford | Rationality Rules ▶️

“To be a Raskolnikov — without the excuse of murder.” (Cioran)

Rationality Rules is a YouTube channel run by Stephen Woodford who dedicates himself to debunking supernatural beliefs and refuting religious dogma.


Is Jordan Peterson the philosopher of the fake news era?

David Edward Tabachnick
The Conversation, February 14, 20218

A lot of ink has been spilled over the astonishing rise of Jordan Peterson, the University of Toronto psychology professor who has risen to become the new conservative darling of the anti-political correctness crowd.

He has been deemed everything from dangerous to brave as well as “just another angry white guy.”

A Globe and Mail columnist recently pointed out something that seems fairly obvious to many of us who have listened to and read about his views. Margaret Wente has decided that “Peterson is not the leading public intellectual of our age… much of what he says is not terribly original.”

Even a cursory review shows that there are whole publishing and social media industries built around almost identical arguments against progressive politics, the supposed leftist bias of our universities and the perceived associated decline of free speech… [+]

How Jordan Peterson became the internet’s village idiot

Charlie Nash
The New Statesman, March 14, 2023

The clinical psychologist is now a punching bag for both the left and the right

Jordan Peterson was once considered, particularly by conservatives, a respected clinical psychologist and author. An intelligent, courageous self-help guru. Peterson encouraged young men to read Kierkegaard, and helped countless young Neets turn their messy bedrooms clean. Then Peterson transformed; whether due to a well-documented health crisis, or due to his non-stop tweeting, he has, in recent years, unwittingly become a 21st-century village idiot.

In this past week alone, Peterson shared not one – but two – pieces of content that were so glaringly fake, even the most naive would hesitate to retweet them, let alone a doctor who was once described by Tyler Cowen as “the world’s most influential public intellectual”… [+]