‘The Greens are our enemy’: What is fuelling the far right in Germany? | The Guardian ▶️

April 30, 2024 | The far right are on the march in Germany and the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) has become the most popular party in several states.

Immigration and a sense of being economically left behind have been driving factors in the rise in popularity but the Green party and the federal government’s climate policies have also borne the brunt of public anger. The Guardian travelled to Görlitz, on the German border with Poland, to find out to what extent Germany’s green policies are fuelling the far right.


00:00 – Intro
00:44 – Görlitz and Saxony are a far right stronghold
01:25 – What do people in Görlitz think of the Green party and climate change?
02:32 – A far right rally in Görlitz – The Free Saxons and the AfD
05:11 – Attacks on the Green party, Robert Habeck and Ricarda Lang
05:34 – ‘We’ve had death threats’ – attacks on the Green party in Görlitz
07:29 – Interview with Sebastian Wippel, AfD
09:14 – Fridays for Future protest in Munich ahead of the European elections