Voluntary Extinction | Solar Sands ▶️

If the impotent only knew how considerate of them nature had been, they would bless their glands’ somnolence and boast of it on every street corner.

CIORAN, All Gall Is Divided

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT) is an environmental movement that calls for all people to abstain from reproduction in order to cause the gradual voluntary extinction of humankind. VHEMT supports human extinction primarily because, in the group’s view, it would prevent environmental degradation. The group states that a decrease in the human population would prevent a significant amount of human-caused suffering. The extinctions of non-human species and the scarcity of resources caused by humans are frequently cited by the group as evidence of the harm caused by human overpopulation.

VHEMT was founded in 1991 by Les U. Knight, an American activist who became involved in the American environmental movement in the 1970s and thereafter concluded that human extinction was the best solution to the problems facing the Earth’s biosphere and humanity. Knight publishes the group’s newsletter and serves as its spokesman. Although the group is promoted by a website and represented at some environmental events, it relies heavily on coverage from outside media to spread its message. Many commentators view its platform as unacceptably extreme, while endorsing the logic of reducing the rate of human reproduction. In response to VHEMT, some journalists and academics have argued that humans can develop sustainable lifestyles or can reduce their population to sustainable levels. Others maintain that, whatever the merits of the idea, the human reproductive drive will prevent humankind from ever voluntarily seeking extinction.

Music in order of appearance:

  • Pilotredsun – Deathly
  • Final Fantasy VII – Costa Del Sol
  • Boards of Canada – Trasnmisiones Ferox
  • Half Life 2 OST – Lab Practicum
  • Oneohtrix Point Never – The Trouble With Being Born
  • Gavriel – Red Twighlight – In Between Years
  • Gavriel – Red Twighlight – Hyn
  • C418 – Perhaps I will never meet you in person
  • Boards of Canada – Audiotrack 12
  • Boards of Canada – Up The March Bank
  • Tobacco – Refbatch

David Benatar – Better to Have Never Been: it’s what most of this video was based on as much of the video is presenting his arguments and building upon them.