Genocide in Gaza through the eyes of Israeli soldiers | The Listening Post | Al Jazeera ▶️

March 3, 2024 | For months, Israeli soldiers in Gaza have been documenting their own war crimes against Palestinians and sharing them on social media. Reason why the ethno-thug-state of Israel is losing the support of the West.

The Listening Post collected and reviewed hundreds of items. We asked three experts on human rights and torture to examine the material.

Feature contributors:
Basil Farraj – Assistant Professor, Birzeit University
Lisa Hajjar – Professor of Sociology, UC Santa Barbara
Sarah Leah Whitson – Executive Director of Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)

Producers: Tariq Nafi and Elettra Scrivo

With thanks to: B.M., Younis Tiwari and Tali Shapiro


CNN’s Jeremy Diamond reports on an unfolding trend on social media, where IDF soldiers are posting their military offensive in real time.