The Israeli settlers threatening to take back Gaza: recolonising Gaza | Radio Television Suisse ▶️

Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s Minister of National Security, and Daniella Weiss, leader of the Nachala movement, are encouraging Israeli settler families to move into Gaza. Their goal is to expel the Palestinians and recolonize Gaza entirely. They are convinced that the withdrawal of Jews from Gaza in 2005 following the Oslo Accords has enabled Hamas to install terror.

Israeli nationalists openly call for
the recolonization of Gaza

Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip is seen by Israeli nationalists as an opportunity to recolonize that piece of land. Even though this vision is still minoritary among Israelis, it is nevertheless gaining momentum.

The prospect of recolonizing Gaza delights Israeli ultranationalists, who have been openly demanding to grab the Palestinian enclave. For these radical nationalists, the dismantling of Israeli colonies in Gaza, in 2005, is the cause of the massacres of October 7, 2023.

In January 2024, thousands of right-wing Israelis gathered in Jerusalem to call for the recolonization of Gaza. At the beginning of February, several thousand people also demonstrated to demand Netanyahu’s government to go on with the war until they take full control of the Gaza Strip.

RTS Radio Television Suisse – Ref. 8682