“The heretic who made Christianity’s first Bible” – Drew McCoy | Genetically Modified Skeptic ▶️

By inflicting upon the official God the functions of Father, Creator and general manager, we exposed Him to attacks to which He was to succumb. What might have been His longevity if only we had heeded Marcion, of all heresiarchs the one who most vigorously opposed evil’s sleight of hand, who contributed most to the glory of the Demiurge by the hatred he felt for him! There is no example of another religion which, at the outset, has missed so many opportunities. We should assuredly be quite different if the Christian era had been inaugurated by the execration of the Creator, for the permission to abuse Him would not have failed to lighten our burden, and to render the last two millennia that much less oppressive. By refusing to incriminate Him and to adopt the doctrines which would unhesitatingly do so, the Church was to commit itself to cunning and deception.

CIORAN, The New Gods (1969)

In Christianity’s first bible, God is evil, Jesus is not the messiah, and there are only 12 books. Marcion of Sinope, one of the most notorious heretics, created the first biblical canon in the 140s CE, hundreds of years before the New Testament was canonized. This is the story of the heretic who invented the bible.

Themes here include orthodoxy vs heresy, the canonization of the new testament, Jesus’ parables, the teachings of the apostle Paul, gnosticism, and the work of heresiologists like Tertullian and Irenaeus.